(02-10-2006) Kanye Sees the Bright Side After Losing to U2 -- FMQB*

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Apr 17, 2002
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Kanye Sees the Bright Side After Losing to U2

After all of Kanye West's talking about how he would "really have a problem with that" if he didn't win the Grammy for Album Of The Year for Late Registration, he lost to U2 at the award ceremony on Wednesday night. But even though it may be slightly disappointing for the Rapper, he is still relishing his wins for Best Rap Album, Best Rap Solo Performance for "Gold Digger" and Best Rap Song for "Diamonds From Sierra Leone." He was also quite happy with his live performance on the show, and that took away some of the sting.

"I would have been more disappointed if I didn't have a good performance and I had won Album of the Year," West told MTV.com. "The performance, that's what it's about, the entertainment and people having a good time. I just want to see the black colleges right now. I just want to go onto MySpace right now and see what people are saying."

He also pointed to "vote-splitting" as the reason for the loss, meaning that his album and Mariah Carey's album probably split votes between the Urban music fans in the Recording Academy. But Kanye is a fan of U2 and he even thanked them in his acceptance speech for taking him on tour.

"That is my boy, Bono," West continued to MTV. "He has taught me a lot about carrying the fame with grace. And the first thing I thought is, 'Let's go back to the studio, let's go.' It's good for me, I'm happy, because I have accomplished so much in the last two years, all the way from running the [G.O.O.D.] record label to being the artist that you [go to when you] run out of things to do. So now it's like, 'OK, we didn't get the Album of the Year. Let's go [try again].' John Legend, Jon Brion, anyone named John, let's go."

I like Kanye West. I think he's a really interesting character. I know alot of people see him as too cocky and arrogant, but I like his style... he's got that confidence and the swagger that you need to be great. Kind of like Bono in that regard I'd say...

Plus... his music is really catchy and he does have something to say, unlike some other artists today.
For sure, it's hard not to like the guy if you actually see that alot of his braggadocio is completely for entertainment's sake. In a way, he's to hip-hop now what Marilyn Manson was in the 90's...a guy who is larger than life in the media, but isn't nearly as terrible his persona (Don Cherry for the Canucks out there?). And people eat it up. The man's talented, certainly never boring, and it seems like all those who know him personally have nothing but good things to say. I think we need to get used to seeing him around, cuz he'll be in our faces for a long time.

edit: not that I think Don Cherry's persona is terrible (it's fantastic), but he's such a different guy in his personal life
isabelle_guns said:
I like K west. I wish I could've seen him open up for U2

I will be in Auckland as well as in Brisbane, Adelaide and Melbourne, so I will have plenty of opportunuties to see how Kanye performs. I am a bit curious but still I am there for the Boys and nothing could delude my attention from them :drool: :wink:
Kanye was awesome to see in St Louis. The combo was great. He puts a lot into his live shows and really gets the crowd into it. I've seen both U2 and Kanye individually live and seeing both of them was the coolest show I have been to.
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