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bro i love you, and keep in mind this is coming from a canadian, this "BUT THE AMERICANS" schtick is getting a little stale.
You really don't think it's absurd and unfair that the Olympics in another country is forced to schedule many important events during prime time for the bulk of America?
For once... I’m not going to repeat myself. You clearly don’t read what I write so there’s no point. Amazing that you can go talk about exceptionalism, but clearly you’re too good for something so simple as an honest engagement. Fuck this.
You really don't think it's absurd and unfair that the Olympics in another country is forced to schedule many important events during prime time for the bulk of America?

it's absurd and unfair that the events which attract the most television viewers are scheduled at times when the largest market of television viewers on earth will be able to watch?

this is the second of 3 consecutive olympics that are close as hell to your time zone.

cry me a river dude.
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it's absurd and unfair that the events which attract the most television viewers are scheduled at times when the largest market of television viewers on earth will be able to watch?

this is the second of 3 consecutive olympics that are close as hell to your time zone.

cry me a river dude.

Yes, I do. That's not how an egalitarian event should be run. The host country should be able to host their biggest events when they will benefit most from them, not when the US benefits the most. God forbid something inconvenience the US.

Rio was pretty much the opposite of our time zone - I watched about 10% of those Games, compared with about 90% of these - and the next are in Paris, so that's incorrect. (The Winter Olympics garner less interest, and can only be held in certain places out of necessity.)

I do read what you write LN7, and I'm very willing to admit that I'm being deliberately caustic, and I'm sure it's making this thread a miserable place to be, so I'll stop now. But I do think it's worth examining whether everything needs to centre around the US, and at least try to see from my shoes why I might get a kick out of beating the US.
Not going to lie - thoroughly enjoyed the fact that the USA women’s football team didn’t make the final, despite the scheduling of the final tailored for the US prime time market (11am Japan time. Although it got rescheduled after the US missed out due to a “poor pitch”). Was Funny. Hilarious even.

And I like their national football side - long been a fan of Lloyd and Rapinoe. Although the USA-Thailand match from the last World Cup was a bit iffy.

But yeah, Rio was super unfriendly timings for AEST. I unfortunately barely remember much of those games. Enjoyed what I can of this one. Love the athletics. And that an Italian won the men’s 100m was fantastic.

But 7 should be stripped of the rights here. Such a wasted opportunity to share so much of the comprehensive Olympic program on the dysfunctional blight that is 7+. All I wanted was my four-yearly dose of handball. And it’s there, but bloody hell that app is a disaster.
Yes, I do. That's not how an egalitarian event should be run. The host country should be able to host their biggest events when they will benefit most from them, not when the US benefits the most. God forbid something inconvenience the US.

Rio was pretty much the opposite of our time zone - I watched about 10% of those Games, compared with about 90% of these - and the next are in Paris, so that's incorrect. (The Winter Olympics garner less interest, and can only be held in certain places out of necessity.)

the 2022 olympics are in beijing. sorry that australia is absolutely garbage at the winter olympics and thus you don't care to watch them, but the fact is you're in the midst of 12 years of olympics being held in a convenient time zone for you.

i've been getting up at ungodly hours in the morning and staying up vastly later than i should have most days for the last two weeks to cheer on canadian athletes, so your whining about the USA (and by extension, canada) forcing you to watch tennis or basketball or whatever at 11 am instead of 7 pm is pretty irritating to say the least.
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Not going to lie - thoroughly enjoyed the fact that the USA women’s football team didn’t make the final, despite the scheduling of the final tailored for the US prime time market (11am Japan time. Although it got rescheduled after the US missed out due to a “poor pitch”). Was Funny. Hilarious even.

the final was rescheduled due to the mid-day heat in tokyo. nothing to do with the pitch or the americans losing.

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Looking for USA to at least tie the gold medal count so the stupid gold vs total medal debate can be put to bed.
the 2022 olympics are in beijing. sorry that australia is absolutely garbage at the winter olympics and thus you don't care to watch them, but the fact is you're in the midst of 12 years of olympics being held in a convenient time zone for you.

whoops - obviously did not mean "12 years of olympics" - but you aussies are indeed in the middle a full olympic cycle and a half on your side of the world. some events might be on at odd times for you, but coverage is on all day there, and you still get to watch these things during normal daylight hours. whereas if i want to watch the same amount of coverage i basically have to stay up all night every night for two weeks straight.

looking forward to my sleep improving immensely this coming week. i love watching the olympics but i'm definitely ready for them to be over now.
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I love you all, but I don’t think you guys from North America realize how parochial your defense of the scheduling is.
I love you all, but I don’t think you guys from North America realize how parochial your defense of the scheduling is.

It’s hard to call it a “defense of scheduling” when the main defense here is “what you’re saying just isn’t true.” Or at the very least, it’s not as prominent as you’re making it seem. The majority of the big events have been in the very early AM here. I wake up to notifications of what happened. I stay up late to watch events that are happening earlier in the day in Japan. Like any freaking Olympic they have events all day, and you expect me to believe that because you read some hot take article, that all day events from ~11:30AM-10PM local time is something that is exclusive to olympics taking place in the eastern hemisphere in order to suit American interests is fucking bonkers. If I hear the phrase “prime time” one more time I’m going to lose my mind. It’s always prime time somewhere in the world. It most certainly is not prime time for the majority of North and South America when these events are occurring. It’s freaking bed time. And the events are occurring at times they normally occur at the Olympics.

Adjusting sports for tv is also not new and not US specific. In the US we do it - west coast folks are probably used to more frequent earlier games to accommodate eastern markets. In Europe they follow the same tv scheduling for soccer as the NFL does in order to highlight premier matchups for tv viewership purposes.

There’s a probably some 1 in 6 of the world here in the Western Hemisphere and it’s absurd that you’re making this probably-not-a-thing about the US specifically. It’s the Olympics and they’re trying to reach the world audience, and yet I’m supposed to be be apologetically ashamed of my existence because the <1% of the world time zone in eastern australia normally gets left out of tv considerations.

And if there are biases by sport, well shit, no wonder I haven’t seen any of these Japanese medals. Probably because they’ve in fact scheduled all the sports they’re most nationally interested in during their prime time!
Comfortable dub in women's basketball for the gold. Still have volleyball and two boxing matches to pull ahead.
i really can't wrap my head around damian warner's decathlon gold medal win.

his time in the decathlon 100m would have qualified him to run in the regular 100m final.

his distance in the decathlon long jump would have won him the bronze medal in the regular high jump event.

how the hell can any human put in the time and energy to train to be that good at so many events??
Wow, Brazil was awful tonight in volleyball. One unforced error after another. We were just solid and that was enough for gold.
Guys guys guys. The united states is the only country in the western hempishere, and the stupid olympics is adjusting schedules so a fraction of the population can watch it in prime time.

If you are not outraged you are part of the problem.
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