Random Music Talk CXVII: Leaked Emails Show Hillary Likes Both Kanye & Taylor Swift

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm fucking glad they changed it. The blue was dated and tacky when I joined 12 years ago.

I'm also glad for the rest of you you have the option to keep it the way it was.

We can all but happy, huzzah!
If I had my way the forum would be yellow text, maybe some light pink, on a white background, like one of those conspiracy websites from 1999.
12 years. Damn.

The new background, blocky and looping for eternity behind a generic white vBulletin template, reminds me of webpages I'd make with free web construction software a decade ago. It's not good.
Yeah I could handle a change if it were to something updated but still distinctive.

And it should retain the blue.
Random Music Talk CXVII: Leaked Emails Show Hillary Likes Both Kanye & Taylor...

I like the new background, even if it's slightly generic. But I got so used to the blue that I reverted to the "vintage" look. I mean, we're the Blue Crack for some reason.
I'd weigh in, but I come here almost exclusively on the phone app so I tend to forget the archaic message board look this place has to it normally.

I don't mind Lana Del Rey's version of Once Upon a Dream but she's one of those people I should try to remember exist when I need something to bore me to sleep.
The new layout has the "forum jump" at the bottom of the page like we used to have, which I like so you don't have to scroll back to the top after reading a page to switch threads, but I feel more "at home" with the vintage blue, tough call.
I'm going to experiment with the new format for a while. Yes it's generic, but it's more readable. The app basically got me used to not having the blue background anyway.

11 years. Damn.
Very sad if true. I visited the one in San Francisco and it was one of the best music stores I have ever seen.

Ditto. This is an awful trend, which we've been seeing here in NYC for a few years. Just a couple of months ago, my favorite record store - Other Music - closed for good. This follows a bunch of other small stores that closed in Brooklyn as Williamsburg became a playground for rich adults. Rough Trade is one of the few places that are surviving (it's also much newer, and much bigger, with corporate backing), but the landscape doesn't look good at all.
Encore Records

I'm sure there will be another one.

Yeah, I haven't visited this site via a web browser in a while. I've been using the mobile app.

Also, the news of Amoeba selling their location. I'm sure they'll just relocate, so I'm not terribly bothered. Sure, the actual location was/is iconic, but if they just relocate and offer the same massive amounts of music then I'm honestly not too bothered.

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
oh my god i came here via a web browser. what is this madness :lol: this is "new"? this looks like it's from 2001. and i've only been here since 2002 :|
North Americans and Europeans (i.e. almost all of you), I am starting to consider some international travel next year. No fixed plans at the moment; I'm basically just making a wishlist and will then sort it into something that is doable.

One of the things I want to do is catch a bunch of gigs, especially of bands that aren't likely to tour down my way. There are some pretty awesome festivals I'd love to attend, but they tend to be summer events and I want to escape the Australian summer/autumn, not skip our winter for even more hot weather. So although suggestions of good festivals are welcome, I'm also wondering if any of your cities/states/countries have useful websites that aggregate upcoming gigs or tours? Whenever I go to New Zealand I make sure to check Undertheradar.co.nz's gig guide to make sure I don't miss anything. Or do you just find out about stuff by seeing tour announcements from your favourites?
North Americans and Europeans (i.e. almost all of you), I am starting to consider some international travel next year. No fixed plans at the moment; I'm basically just making a wishlist and will then sort it into something that is doable.

One of the things I want to do is catch a bunch of gigs, especially of bands that aren't likely to tour down my way. There are some pretty awesome festivals I'd love to attend, but they tend to be summer events and I want to escape the Australian summer/autumn, not skip our winter for even more hot weather. So although suggestions of good festivals are welcome, I'm also wondering if any of your cities/states/countries have useful websites that aggregate upcoming gigs or tours? Whenever I go to New Zealand I make sure to check Undertheradar.co.nz's gig guide to make sure I don't miss anything. Or do you just find out about stuff by seeing tour announcements from your favourites?
if you find such a site, let me know. although methinks we're wanting to go to different genres of festivals (although if the site would list all types of festivals, that'd be awesome)

(also i'm glad to not have an all-blue website anymore and while i think the background is lame, omg the font used for the reply, quote, etc. buttons is so...comic sans-y)
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