Shuttlecock II: This is Where We Can Reach Around

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I will never understand why at the very least "The Three Sunrises" isn't on that album. I know Edge babbles on about "Love Comes Tumbling" not being finished, so, whatever, I'll give him that, but TTS should be there. It's not like the album's long.
Is that really the most unrealistic thing about my setlist? Or is it U2 playing Lemon, Drowning Man, Exit, God Part II, and Surrender at the same show?




...yep, I think that's the most unrealistic part :lol:
U2 aren't getting any younger, so I'll be pleasantly surprised if they ever go beyond an average show length between 20-24 songs.

Google Image Searched: Robert Smith Fat. Got that picture. Guess where it's from....Random Music Talk....
Bruce says harden the fuck up.

Yeah but Bono's back! Larry's wrists! Edge's need to keep dyeing his beard! Less is more! It's all about the theme of the show!

I get the feeling some people have very odd ideas about just how old fiftyish is.

I mean ok, it's not 20. But unless you're suffering a specific illness or have a lifetime of backbreaking manual labour under your belt, you've probably got a few good decades at the least. I'm just so sick of fans trying to help Bono across the road like a little old lady!
Alright, let's do this fantasy setlist nonsense. It's the hip thing to do. Let's not do the "ideal" fantasy setlist, but what I think would be likely based on past setlist trends.

1. The Miracle
2. Beautiful Day
3. I Will Follow
4. Until The End Of The World
5. Vertigo
6. California (There Is No End To Love...Unless You Run Out Of Viagra)
7. City of Blinding Lights
8. New Year's Day
9. Pride (In The Name Of Not Assassinating Your Civil Rights Leaders)
10. Song For Someone
11. God Part II
12. Staring At The Sun
13. Sunday Bloody Sunday
14. Raised By Wolves
15. Please
16. Iris (Hold Me Close, Tony Danza)
17. Where The Streets Have No Name

18. Volcano
19. Mysterious Ways
20. One

21. With Or Without You
22. Moment of Surrender
23. Walk On
24. Every Breaking Wave

Sunday Bloody Sunday as a mellower, maybe acoustic version, to give Wolves more power. Staring At The Sun is full band acoustic - not as layered as the Pop version, but not Bono and Edge only. One gets broken out from the mothballs as the forgotten hit U2 plays. One gets an Acrobat tease in the intro because fuck you. Every night of the tour. The last night they play an additional four bars to continue the theme of "fuck you." They'll rotate Out of Control in for I Will Follow at about a quarter of the shows. They may even make the setlist safer and cut the Rattle and Hum song for Still Haven't Found, and Please for Bullet or some shit.

I'll make this promise to you now, Interference: If U2 plays Mofo on the next tour, I will eat a chocolate bar. I'll hate to do it, I know it's disgusting, but I'll make this sacrifice for your entertainment.
Yeah but Bono's back! Larry's wrists! Edge's need to keep dyeing his beard! Less is more! It's all about the theme of the show!


Wonder what would happen if I went over there and suggested that maybe U2 should have done more drugs when they were younger. They could have been Keith Richards and pickled preserved themselves into eternity had they just developed coke/heroin/everything habits in their early days.
Guess we'll find out (or dieman will, rightfully really since it's pretty much trolling, shut me down before it gets to be much fun/I find out if I'm the only one laughing at my own joke).
I get the feeling some people have very odd ideas about just how old fiftyish is.

I mean ok, it's not 20. But unless you're suffering a specific illness or have a lifetime of backbreaking manual labour under your belt, you've probably got a few good decades at the least. I'm just so sick of fans trying to help Bono across the road like a little old lady!

I don't ever know if you're serious or not, but this is spot fucking on.

You think it's easier
To give up on your partner
If your partner is losing sets
You think it's easier
But before you served the bird
I had charged my way up to the net

:lol: A harrowing story. It really captures the pathos of the original song.
For some reason I sang a lullaby to my dog last night that substituted "baby" with "puppy" in the chorus of "Sleep Like a Baby Tonight". Why did I do this? I don't know. Why am I telling you this? I don't know.

But there are thoughtful comments:

I don't understand the hate for Nickelback, Anne Hathaway, or U2. I think America just has issues with success unless you can somehow constantly prove that you deserve it more than anyone else. We put you on a pedestal for some often arbitrary reason, then tear you off it and toss you in the trash if you somehow don't live up to whatever it is we've determined you should be. It's terrible and sad. This isn't a U2 thing, it's an American thing, possibly a human thing.

U2 doesn't suck - we do.
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