A Little Bit More New Album Discussion

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This thread belongs in the list of the Top 10 Worst Threads Ever in the history of the internet.

New York's hottest club is...



Ah...the dance record, then. Oonts oonts.
I registered yesterday, was never a lurker before that, anything i should know?
This thread belongs in the list of the Top 10 Worst Threads Ever in the history of the internet.

I registered yesterday, was never a lurker before that, anything i should know?

Well for staters, this thread isn't even on the list of the Top 10 Worst Threads Ever in the history of Interference.

Not even close.
The one thing I would say is that the 'leaked' clips I've heard so far, do sound remarkably similar in style to the salome outtakes, so if they are genuine, I'd be more than happy to have another U2 album going down those lines.
From a post on atU2:

I am new to the forum but I originate from Ireland and still have family there. My cousin works in media (he's a camerman) and has in the past worked with Gay Byrne - so to cut to the chase. Following the recently RTE interview with Bono there was a small get-together after filming. Apparently Bono mentioned that he was excited about the drop the debt campaign and the landmark date of 2030 by which time they hope to have cleared poverty in the third world (its also in the RTE interview around the 30 minute mark). An attendee apparently suggested to Bono that he should perhaps write a song about this, to which he is supposed to have replied "Perhaps I already have".

This information came via a cameraman friend of my cousin so I have no idea if this actually happened - I am taking this information at face value, but I trust my cousin and he tells me his friend is legit.

Based on this I think the song title Earth 2030 could be legit but I am not so sure about any of the other titles.

A friend of a friend of the neighbour of my mom's third cousin confirmed this to me earlier.
Dear Bono, please hang out with Matt Bellamy or a Chemical Brother or anyone just slightly less anodyne than Chris Martin.
Bono and U2 celebrate completion of their 13th studio album in New York | Irish Entertainment | IrishCentral

"Bono and U2 celebrate completion of their 13th studio album in New York"

Wait a second, I can already hear someone say, "This isn't confirmed from a reliable source!" which I think means that none of us were there, or can't say if we were. Take it for for what it's worth, I guess.

That article was written by an intern and is clearly just cobbled together from internet rumors.

It has some pretty obvious inaccuracies. They clearly did not record Sunday Bloody Sunday on the same day as this supposed album wrap party.
I have the challenging & fun honor of running a FB page for our Webzine incarnation & deciding what to post on the Webzine frontpage of our website.

I posted this on FB. And got mild criticism for doing so. So I decided to post it here, since I can't find it in the previous dozen or so posts.

I'm curious to see the reaction here, knowing someone else might have already posted it & got some feedback.

Posting something does not construe editorial endorsement.

Alan Cross - A Journal of Musical Things - The U2 Leaks Have�Begun

It's already been proven to be a fake, been on youtube since 2012, and Alan is just pulling your leg.
Yeah, I remember Alan Cross saying that the new album (NLOTH) had leaked almost 2 weeks before it actually leaked.
Yeah, I remember Alan Cross saying that the new album (NLOTH) had leaked almost 2 weeks before it actually leaked.

He also says in the article that Nloth didn't leak but I'm sure I downloaded it a week before it came out, then being gutted when the cd came out a week later cause I'd already listened to it
He also says in the article that Nloth didn't leak but I'm sure I downloaded it a week before it came out, then being gutted when the cd came out a week later cause I'd already listened to it

No Line was leaked by Universal Music's very own MP3 store in Australia.

Every U2 album since Pop has leaked. I'm pretty sure people were even sharing clips of Pop before it was released on bulletin boards or news groups or whatever.
This whole last page is so weird. :crack:

Also rennowba why would you be gutted when an album is released that you already listened to?
From a post on atU2:

Apparently Bono mentioned that he was excited about the drop the debt campaign and the landmark date of 2030 by which time they hope to have cleared poverty in the third world

So .... Stop (The Poverty) is on this album, then?
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