New Coldplay - "Mylo Xyloto", Oct 24

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Why all the Rihanna hatred on this forum? I don't understand it.

A lot of people are just immediately dismissive of female pop stars.

And that's cool, people can like what they want, but I do feel like a lot of times if an artist has the "pop" label next to their name, they'll be hastily ostracized by fans of "SERIOUS MUSIC!"
I just think it's a shame it's on there and Moving to Mars isn't. Not a bad song, but just seems like it would have been better as a one-off single.
Kinda wish they'd continue on with the piano at the end of Charlie Brown, but I also kind of don't. I really love that little snippet of piano playing there. Also I think they should've continued with Hopeful Transmission and turned that into something instead of that fading into Don't Let It Break Your Heart, continuing on with the sound and those strings.
Why all the Rihanna hatred on this forum? I don't understand it.
A lot of people are just immediately dismissive of female pop stars.

And that's cool, people can like what they want, but I do feel like a lot of times if an artist has the "pop" label next to their name, they'll be hastily ostracized by fans of "SERIOUS MUSIC!"

I'm not like that at all. I just for the most part do not like Rihanna's music or her voice. Nothing to do with the genre, I just didn't think Coldplay and Rihanna made a good pairing... and at least in my opinion I my feelings were correct. For the most part this sounds like a Rihanna song, not a Coldplay song.
Her voice is divisive, but I personally love it. Female vocals usually do little for me, but Rihanna is an exception. It has the same effect on me that Smith (Editors) and Berninger (National) do. Eargasmic vocals.
Chris Martin did a duo with Kylie Minogue called Lhuna back in 2008, according to him it was sexy but the whole melody sucked from depression.
intedomine said:
Her voice is divisive, but I personally love it. Female vocals usually do little for me, but Rihanna is an exception. It has the same effect on me that Smith (Editors) and Berninger (National) do. Eargasmic vocals.

That reminds me are you going to Harvest?
A lot of people are just immediately dismissive of female pop stars.

And that's cool, people can like what they want, but I do feel like a lot of times if an artist has the "pop" label next to their name, they'll be hastily ostracized by fans of "SERIOUS MUSIC!"
Most people dislike Rihanna not because she's a pop icon, it's because she tries too hard in pretending to be an American black R&B/hip-hop icon; which she's not and will never be.

The same thing happens with Snooki.
Most people dislike Rihanna not because she's a pop icon, it's because she tries too hard in pretending to be an American black R&B/hip-hop icon; which she's not and will never be.

Except that whole Umbrella song, you know, that's been as or more popular than any U2 song in a couple decades.
cobl04 said:
That reminds me are you going to Harvest?

No. I didn't endeavour to find others who are willing and able, and I ended up forking out the big bucks for Pyramid (as much as I hate the line up). I was hoping a better festival line up might have made my summer, but Future and BDO are both mediocre and Good Vibes has been shifted to November, and V has disappeared altogether.

I'll just have to wait for my first National experience, but it disgusts me that they are headlining their own shows in Adelaide and Perth (20-odd song sets), while Melbourne and Sydney will get a 12-14 song set at best in a festival environment. Oh, the boons of festival exclusivity, where if you're a proper fan of an artist, you're actually better off if the festival doesn't come to your town!
intedomine said:
No. I didn't endeavour to find others who are willing and able, and I ended up forking out the big bucks for Pyramid (as much as I hate the line up). I was hoping a better festival line up might have made my summer, but Future and BDO are both mediocre and Good Vibes has been shifted to November, and V has disappeared altogether.

I'll just have to wait for my first National experience, but it disgusts me that they are headlining their own shows in Adelaide and Perth (20-odd song sets), while Melbourne and Sydney will get a 12-14 song set at best in a festival environment. Oh, the boons of festival exclusivity, where if you're a proper fan of an artist, you're actually better off if the festival doesn't come to your town!

I'll see you at pyramid :wink: (agreed, rubbish lineup, spesh with all the Oz hiphop)

It does suck, but I saw them at the Palais in Jan so I'm not too fussed. Hands full with sideshows as it is.

The music she produces, not the music genre she belongs to.

I don't not like pop music, therefore I do not like Rihanna. I do not like Rihanna's music. I don't judge based upon genre. It just so happens that there's a relationship between pop music and me not liking it... but that doesn't stop me from listening and passing a judgement on each artist individually. I rather enjoy Adele, in fact.
But you also like The Script and The Fray, so it's kinda hard to take you seriously :wink:

And I saw The Script live 10 days ago, and I'd see The Fray if they came into town.

Y'know, there's just as many people saying that about Coldplay or U2, which is why I think you sound silly.

Then again, I'll say the same thing about a Drake or Lil Wayne to those ignorant fools who listen to that horrendous garbage.
Most people dislike Rihanna not because she's a pop icon, it's because she tries too hard in pretending to be an American black R&B/hip-hop icon; which she's not and will never be.

I'm sorry, I just do not see what you mean by "pretending" to be a hip-hop icon. An icon is entirely dependent upon perception; she cannot will herself into being one. And race is irrelevant here, as she is just as "black" as Jay-Z or Kayne in the sense that perceptions of race are not strictly tied to nationality.
It seems questionable taking it upon yourself to say at all why "most people" would dislike Rihanna.
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