New Coldplay - "Mylo Xyloto", Oct 24

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I've only listened once, and probably will wait for the release before giving it multiple spins, but my initial impression is good, although certainly not on par with Viva.

I dig the retro synth vibe, which probably doesn't come as a surprise. And the songs go together well, for the most part, although I think Us Against The World, Major Minus, and U.F.O. are a bit out of place. They don't seem to fit with the rest, although it could be argued that the first two are the strongest things on it.

One thought that occurred while listening to it was the inevitable backlash to the synthpop style, which made me think - they could have released two distinct albums at the same time. One being this, with the three songs previously mentioned excluded and Mission To Mars added, and then another album in the vein of Us Against The World. What a contrast that would have been. And really cool at the same time.
i listened all the way through again, and i must say that my favorite tracks are the ones that are more straight forward tracks than the tracks with all the bells and whistles. "Us Against The World" is still my favorite song on the album.

U2 fans are never content.
That Rihanna song is just excruciatingly awful.

I guess Parachutes remains the only Coldplay album that doesn't make me cringe.
I don't really even like the song, but "Paradise" has been engrained in my head all day. They certainly have a way with a hook.
He said that Parachutes was the only Coldplay album that doesn't make him cringe.

A Rush of Blood to the Head is a Coldplay album.

Therefore, A Rush of Blood to the Head makes him cringe.
What bothers me most on this album is the fact that some songs sound too full. There's too much going on and because of that it becomes a mess. Sometimes, I can barely hear the guitar or even Martin's voice.
I think a lot of tracks, like Hurts Like Heaven, would benefit from a more stripped-down approach. Unsurprisingly, Us Against The World is my fav so far.
The way he sings "I feel a little bit nervous..." on Hurts Like Heaven, that shit reminds me so much of something and I can't put my finger on it.

Song's a banger, though.
It's hard to give anything a critical listen while at the office, but my thought after the first listen - my fears about this album were unfounded, 'tis not half-bad...
I'm about halfway through "Hurts Like Heaven" and my first impression...

Coldplay were listening to "Lost!", took some crack, and ran with it.
This album is fire. I'm only halfway through the album though... lets see how the bottom half finishes.

"Charlie Brown" studio is a bit upsetting though. Maybe a few more listens needed.
aaaand Rihanna just fucking ruined it. Lets hope the album can recover with the final four tracks from what is a piece of shit, "Princess of China".

Your balls will torch themselves if you come within feet of that album cover.


But in all honesty, I really don't give two shits. I often joke around by blasting something like Coldplay at a red light on campus or maybe if I'm feeling really fun some ABBA or something. Surely there's no need to blast it, though.

Speaking of which, and I know I'm going off on a tangent... at the finish of last semester I did get take my roommates big ass subwoofer to the center of campus at 4 a.m. and play Bad so all of the campus could here it. I also brought my sofa to enjoy it.
This album is nothing like Viva la Vida or Death unless you're talking about "Lost!". It's not bad, though. I kinda noticed that at the way end, because "Up With the Birds" almost started like "Cemeteries of London" with the vocals and then... that relationship quickly faded.
I actually like RiRi's hook on Princess of China. Not sold on the song as a whole yet, but when she gets to the chorus, I digs it.

It sounds like a Rihanna chorus. So, if you don't like her (and the fanbases of these two artists aren't exactly the same) I can see not liking it.
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