GOP Nominee 2012 - who will it be?

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August 23, 2011 Howard Dean: ‘Huntsman is a great candidate for president but he is in the wrong party’

It’s not an endorsement that former Utah Gov. John Huntsman likely asked for, but his policy positions have won the support of Howard Dean.

“I learned that Jon Huntsman is a great candidate for president but he is in the wrong party,” Dean said. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear that from me.”

In the garden I was playing the tart
I kissed your lips and broke your heart

I should have known something was up when a Republican was getting praise in FYM. Howard "I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for" Dean has just delivered the Judas kiss.

Look for Huntsman to drop out soon to join the MSNBC primetime line-up.
INDY500 said:
I should have known something was up when a Republican was getting praise in FYM.

Note that the Republican who gets praise in FYM is the only one in the current pack who doesn't have a history of flip-flopping, isn't swinging for the fringes, and has publicly vowed to hold a respectful, civil campaign.
Note that the Republican who gets praise in FYM is the only one in the current pack who doesn't have a history of flip-flopping, isn't swinging for the fringes, and has publicly vowed to hold a respectful, civil campaign.

And was in WIZARD!!! :rockon::rockon::rockon:

(can't discount that)
I had no idea what you meant so I looked it up. He's on the top right

Note that the Republican who gets praise in FYM is the only one in the current pack who doesn't have a history of flip-flopping, isn't swinging for the fringes, and has publicly vowed to hold a respectful, civil campaign.

And would give a stately, dignified concession speech next November.
Image tweeted from Rush Limby's brother, David:


Ah, the culture war rages on this election I see. Is there such a thing as White Rage?
Irvine511 said:
what about President H.W. Bush?

by modern standards, isn't Regan a moderate?

Why let facts get in the way? In the Tea Party re-telling of history, Reagan is an anti-government, budget balancing conservative hero who would never think of extending the debt ceiling, let alone compromising with those dirty libruls.
Why let facts get in the way? In the Tea Party re-telling of history, Reagan is an anti-government, budget balancing conservative hero who would never think of extending the debt ceiling, let alone compromising with those dirty libruls.

:heart: The stories are so good, I'm starting to fall in love with Reagan.

Why let facts get in the way? In the Tea Party re-telling of history, Reagan is an anti-government, budget balancing conservative hero who would never think of extending the debt ceiling, let alone compromising with those dirty libruls.

nor did he ever raise taxes. 11 times. or increase the national debt from $700bn to $3T.
Why let facts get in the way? In the Tea Party re-telling of history, Reagan is an anti-government, budget balancing conservative hero who would never think of extending the debt ceiling, let alone compromising with those dirty libruls.

There you go again.

EDITORIAL: Hijacking Reagan - Washington Times

In his speech Monday night Mr. Obama quoted Mr. Reagan speaking August 11, 1982 in Billings. Montana: “Would you rather reduce deficits and interest rates by raising revenue from those who are not now paying their fair share, or would you rather accept larger budget deficits, higher interest rates, and higher unemployment? And I think I know your answer.” At that time Mr. Reagan had reluctantly agreed to a deal in which the Democratic Congress promised to reduce spending by $3 for every $1 in new revenue. But this Faustian bargain only demonstrates why House Speaker John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, is holding the line on taxes today. During the Reagan years, Congress went ahead and imposed the agreed-on taxes but quickly broke the spending-cut pledge and instead pursued even greater budget increases. As Reagan later lamented, “Congress never cut spending by even one penny.”

But Mr. Reagan would not be fooled again. In a 1983 debt-ceiling debate, Reagan threatened to veto any measure that contained tax hikes. “I am unalterably opposed to Congress‘ efforts to raise taxes on individuals and businesses,” he said. His administration “did not come to Washington to raise the peoples’ taxes. We came here to restore opportunity and get this economy moving again. We do not face large deficits because Americans aren’t taxed enough. We face those deficits because the Congress still spends too much.”

In a 1987 radio address to the nation, he decried the Democratic drive to weaken America and put the country in more debt. “For those who say further responsible spending reductions are not possible,” Reagan said, “they are wrong. For those who say the only choice is undermining our national security … they are wrong. For those who say more taxes will solve our deficit problems, they are wrong.”

If Mr. Obama and the tax-and-spend liberals want to quote from the Reagan record, let them use that one. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.
by modern standards, isn't Regan a moderate?

I can only assume that you're too young to remember the 80's and Bono's "Ronald Ray-gun," the Left going bananas over Robert Bork, "Welfare queens," "The Evil Empire," the union busting of PATCO, across the board tax rate cuts, deregulation of many industries, "trees cause pollution," "Reaganomics" and on and on. And let's not even bring up his very public religious views and how they influenced him.

Reagan had a Democratically controlled House his entire term and Senate part of it. He had to compromise and felt, rightfully in hindsight, that rebuilding the military with spending and economy through tax cuts was more important than short term debt. As the economy grew the House wouldn't let him control domestic spending.

He compromised to achieve his two priorities; shrink government and defeat Communism.

Reagan as a moderate... please. Anything I guess to avoid talking about the current president's record.
He had to compromise

read that again. think about the GOP today. read it again. you see?

Reagan as a moderate... please. Anything I guess to avoid talking about the current president's record.

Obama has had a tremendous first term in many ways. the economy remains an enormous issue, and an issue that the president (any president) isn't as able to influence as much as we like to think.

the present fanatical focus on deficits and austerity at the price of job creation is going to harm us tremendously long term. you want to pay down the debt? we need more revenue from more people going back to work.

but, again, Obama has to compromise ....

compare Reagan to the GOP of today. and especially the present batch of GOP candidates. he is dead-on moderate, if not to the left of many of the "mainstream" candidates -- Bachmann, Perry, Santorum, Gingrich, and even the shadowy Ms. Palin.

you are right, he does share some things with today's GOP, like a deep empathy for the super rich, the ability to wield racism for political expediency, environmental depravity, and the wild overestimation of shadowy foreign threats in order to increase needless defense spending.

but compared to Bachmann and Perry? Reagan looks positively like Lincoln.
He compromised to achieve his two priorities; shrink government and defeat Communism.

Reagan shrank government? Defense spending, the War on Drugs, increases in government spending as compared to GDP... I'd love to see what sets of data you can find to support that claim.
He compromised to achieve his two priorities; shrink government and defeat Communism.

He must've been a pretty damn awesome superhero if he could defeat an economic system that had never been and has never been achieved to this day. :yes:
He was President when the Soviet Union collapsed. Big whoop. It's like folks praising Obama for killing OBL. He just happened to be in office at the time :shrug:
He was President when the Soviet Union collapsed. Big whoop. It's like folks praising Obama for killing OBL. He just happened to be in office at the time :shrug:

two things:

1. George H.W. Bush was president when that happened.
2. Obama did specifically give the green light to what was a very high risk operation to kill OBL.

can we also now say that GHW Bush was a great president, because his moderate policies that included raising taxes gave rise to the 1990s?
Ronald Reagan greatly increased the size of government and was in office during a time in which the Soviet Union was weakening.
Bachmann's handlers have now said that she was j/k, but whatever.

she's finished. Perry's going to steal all her crazies and fanatics.

and a comment like that makes her 100% unacceptable to the GOP establishment who's tolerance of the base is growing ever more tenuous by the week.
deep said:
Why is this unreasonable?

If you are a religous person. that takes the Bible seriously, the Bible is full of natural distastors being attibuted to God's punishment. Why would God change his behavior in a mere 2000 - 3000 years?

Yeah but god was usually punishing those that were having sex or bowing down to cows, but now he's punishing for spending too much?

Do you think god told Michelle this is the reason? If so, why is god splitting his vote between perry and michelle? It doesn't seem fair.
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