PGP-We'll be back next week and we'll bring you a t-shirt.

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I think I just had a lightbulb moment of what to do with this icky rice. :shifty:

You're evil. :lol:

Thanks everyone...again. :sigh: This is becoming like Groundhog Day, or something. When did I become Bill Murray, huh??!!

He actually ate a string when he was a kitten, about 5 or 6 months old. It was on a weekend (of course) and the vet I'm currently taking Max to was the only one open, so I called them. The girl was all "oh, he'll have to come in and have a barium X-ray, $$$, blah, blah..." So then I called the vet we were using at the time, and her answering service got ahold of her and she called me back. She said that all you can do is watch them. Hopefully they'll pass it, but if they don't and start to show symptoms, that's when you bring them in, and they treat whatever results from it, there's not much they can do before.

That time, he threw it up a day or two later with no ill effects.
Cricket ate a foot-long piece of ribbon once, but luckily threw it up. I think it's pretty rare that it turns into something serious, just that when it does it's bad. (Was that English? Did that make sense? I need coffee.)

You should ask your vet for a frequent flyer discount! ;)
Cricket ate a foot-long piece of ribbon once, but luckily threw it up. I think it's pretty rare that it turns into something serious, just that when it does it's bad. (Was that English? Did that make sense? I need coffee.)

You should ask your vet for a frequent flyer discount! ;)

I totally should! Points that are redeemable for U2 shows and travel!

Aw, Cricket. :hug: Yeah, I just read a page in a forum where people were talking about all the crazy string-type things their cats had eaten, and of all of them, the only one that needed treatment had eaten a threaded sewing needle, yikes. :( And he or she ended up being fine after surgery.

With everything that's been happening lately, my panic setting seems to be on a hair-trigger these days.
We had a kitty eat a thread - I'd been sewing. It had wrapped around her tongue and she couldn't eat. It took 8 incisions in her intestine to get it all out.
Last day at Olive Garden, maybe? :shifty:


OMG so this is what I'm going to have to do. My boss wants me in Monday-Thursday for training at 9 am. Not a big deal, right? Well, my mom, who will be taking me, goes on her route transporting disabled people between 6:30 and 8:30 and isn't home until 9 at the earliest. So that means at 6 ish, my mom is going to have to drop me off at a Dunkin Donuts near where I'll be working and right before 9, I'll walk over. The only person who could take me is a huge pain in the ass to deal with, so I'd rather just hang out for 3 hours than deal with her.

So yeah, next week is going to be fun. :crack:

ugh - that's crazy! At least you have the crackberry, right?
I made Rice-a-roni. It turned out weird. How on earth did I manage to mess this up???

Aw :hug:. I've botched that stuff up, too, before (my biggest problem is that I usually wind up having some of it stick to the skillet I make it in). I've also been known to put a frozen pizza in the oven, come back however many minutes later when it's supposed to be done...and realized I forgot to turn the oven on. And I've also went to heat up toaster strudels in the toaster, and realize that I forgot to plug the toaster in first :reject:. Yeah.

bonocomet, your daughter's going to a taping of Craig Ferguson's show next week? LUCKY! I wanna go! Hope she has a good time (didn't know that about the proof of age stuff, though, something to keep in mind if I ever get lucky enough to see a taping).

Hi, Angela!
sorry about your mom's wallet! yeah, you usually must be double, or better make it triple careful with such stuff!
you are absolutely right, you never know what kind of creeps are around who might take advantage of the information!
but luckily there are honest people too! one of my co-worker's daughter recently lost her cellphone and it was missing for a few days and they didn't really hope to see it anymore. Then one morning she got a phonecall from the same number, it was some elderly lady who had found the phone from the grass and since she didn't really know how to use the phone, she had taken it to her young neighbours who kindly helped her. And they got their phone back!


Oh, wow, that's an awesome story :up: :)! Very cool that there's still people like that out there. I honestly think most people would be good enough to do something like that, or at least turn it over to the police and let them take it from there or something. My mom usually is pretty careful with that stuff, it's just that lately she's been working so much and she's just exhausted and I think sometimes her mind just gets so jumbled and then the simplest things sometimes get lost in the shuffle.

But the good news is that she DID find her wallet today! It was sitting at her office, safe and sound, in a tray under her desk where papers that she takes out for recycling normally go. She'd gotten it out for a second yesterday and thought she put it back in her purse, but it must've slipped out or she must've thought she put it in her purse but didn't, or whatever. But now she's got it back and is obviously very happy about that.

:hi5:one more person who doesn't reject Interpol! actually i haven't listened to them after the concert (nor I hadn't before the concert), so I don't know how I would take them now actually :hmm: But at the stadium, the atmosphere was pretty good for liking them :)

Woo :hi5:! Yeah, I've only heard a little bit by them, but I like what I have heard. They've got that '80s new wave sort of sound I tend to like. Maybe you should give them another listen-play the songs you heard at the show (if you can remember what they were), and if you still like those, go on from there. I'd definitely suggest checking out "The Heinrich Maneuver", and its video, at least. Be interested to see what you think of that one. And then there's their song "Slow Hands", too, that I like.

Rap music isn't something I listen to on a regular basis (I'm a scrawny white girl from northern Iowa. I just can't pull off looking cool and convincing with that stuff :p), but I do like some of it here and there. I fully agree, a lot of the stuff out now that's all about the bitches and hoes and all that sort of crap is really annoying and obnoxious, but there IS some good rap music out there, too (and even songs that do talk about that stuff, if nothing else, the beats are catchy, at least). Rap that talks about some of the same sorts of things U2 talk about (so many rappers seem to feel a connection to U2, which I find pretty interesting). If it's not your thing, that's cool, but I wouldn't dismiss the entire genre. But that's just me *Shrugs*.

I've not been to a ton of concerts, but the ones I have been to, I never pay attention to the side help, either. My focus is solely reserved for the band(s) I'm going to see. I admire the help and the work they put in and nothing against them at all, just that I usually never see them much. I liked your story about the cute guy you saw, though, Edgetarian! Always nice to get a bit of eye candy here and there, eh?

I know that makes me a dork in the eyes of a U2 fan, seeing they're the most talented band ever!, but I can't change that I'm a sappy boyband lover and always will be :sexywink:

If you're a dork, then so am I. Feel free to be as excited as you wish about the boyband reunion. Who doesn't hold a bit of nostalgia for their teen years every now and again and some of the fun, goofy music from that time period. Heck, when my sister and I saw that episode of "Glee" a while back that featured Britney Spears songs, I was flashing back to being 13, 14 years old and singing and dancing to those songs in my room. Quite honestly, I think people worry way too much about looking "cool" and liking the "right" things. I've never been a fan of musical snobbery, I think it's kind of annoying, actually. Let people like what they want and move on.


Um. Hi.

(You girls have wicked, dirty minds. I just want to say that. And I love that Queen song, too :D)

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG babbly post over now.

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