U2 rehearsals in Torino part VI: Full aug 3 update + aug 4 as it happens

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That new song is really the opener... though, I must say, Space Oddity->New Song->Beautiful Day sounds rather awkward.

However, the fact that they're opening with a totally new song is pretty effin' awesome. And I actually like how this one sounds.

I agree---it's kind of an odd transition to Beautiful Day. I'm still a little surprised that they're opening with Beautiful Day. It really gives backing to the notion that it's hard to continue to tour an album a year and a half after the album came out. I'm not fully convinced, though, that it'll be the opener for the whole leg.

I don't like the sudden drop in NLOTH tracks, especially the title track. However, I do like the direction implied by 3/4 of the NLOTH songs they've kept + the addition of HMTMKMKM.
After listening to the intro, I don't think we can call Beautiful Day the opener. That new song is really the opener... though, I must say, Space Oddity->New Song->Beautiful Day sounds rather awkward.

However, the fact that they're opening with a totally new song is pretty effin' awesome. And I actually like how this one sounds.

i really like this:hyper: new rockin' song but i don' think it segues well from Space Oddity.....

and I'm on e who when making my own mixed tapes would use both songs thAt segued gently into each othger sort of seemlessly to sometimes real twists and turns sonically...but i don't think this works....

but hey i'll be thrilled just to see them live again ever if i obviuosly don't get every song I want

tho, becfause i think NLOTH is up there in a tie for #1 U2 album with AB ( with JT at #2)..i will kind of sad in betweeen the joy and excitement if say only 2 or3 NLOTH songs get pplayed.

I'd hope theyd drop MOS and replace it with Fez-Being Born!

we'll see :D


or I could just call JT-AB-NLOTH a three-way #1 tie!!!!! :lol::drool:
I'm really glad they at least kept the four that they did. I was slightly worried for CT and MOS.

I was pretty sure CT was going to stay. The crowd seems to like it a lot. I figured UC was going to be dropped. NLOTH and Breathe will probably be played at some point.
I was pretty sure CT was going to stay. The crowd seems to like it a lot.

They were all "wtfplaymesomepride" in Houston, while I jumped around and they gave me odd stares. I was really happy and really proud of U2, since apparently "wtf" was the reaction they wanted out of the crowd to disorient them before SBS. I love the CT->SBS transition.
Maybe they are hoping to read our bitching and critiques and will adjust accordingly like we are their focus group. One tweak here or there and its great. Drop Miss Sarajevo for UV and maybe EBTTRT and we're golden. Bad instead of....anything.

EBTTRT would be a great opening too, just saying. Especially in the stadium setting, the claw, get the show going :hyper: :shifty:

That would be epic :drool:
So ClaytonsKitten, Kristen and BluRmGrl are with me for Hawkmoon 269. :hi5: :cabbagepatch: :hyper:

BD is a shitty opener and makes no sense...and taking UV out of the setlist makes no sense either...one of the highlights of the previous legs.

Add Gone, I Will Follow, Electric Co., EBTTRT, and the Fly, and take out IALW, Stuck, and Elevation. Walk On could go too (if it sounded like it did on the Elevation Tour, then I wouldn't say this, but right now it sounds pretty dull). Play NLOTH, WAS and Fez-BB. Rotate Bad and RTSS into the setlist. I think TTTYAATW would make the setlist much more interesting too.

Sometimes I really question the judgment of U2...what could they be thinking? I mean, it's not a bad setlist by any means...it's actually pretty good...it could just be SO much better.

As for the opener, play Space Oddity and then Soon over the PA just like the last leg, then play Fez over the PA, then explode full band into Being Born with those soaring vocals...with a light explosion too...it would be EPIC.
Pretty awesome bitching going on in this thread.:wink: I'm on the same side of the fence when it comes to the Soon>New Songs>BD transitions and with the dropping of NLOTH songs. But still U2 are giving us new songs AND a rarity! What more could you ask for? I'd be pretty siked about this show if I was going. Hell I'm not even going and I am super excited!:happy:
To comment on something actually on-topic, ahem.... :reject: --

Why all the hatred for Elevation? I mean, sure, the lyrics are retarded & WTF is it supposed to mean? But have you seen the crowd when this song's played? The house goes craaazzeeeee! It should stay, small burrowing mammal references & all. :dancing:
It's not good enough of a song to last for three consecutive tours, despite its ability to get a crowd jumping.

Give 'em something else to jump during. If they don't jump because they don't know the song despite an awesome jumping groove, fuck 'em. :)
BD is a shitty opener and makes no sense...and taking UV out of the setlist makes no sense either...one of the highlights of the previous legs.

Add Gone, I Will Follow, Electric Co., EBTTRT, and the Fly, and take out IALW, Stuck, and Elevation. Walk On could go too (if it sounded like it did on the Elevation Tour, then I wouldn't say this, but right now it sounds pretty dull). Play NLOTH, WAS and Fez-BB. Rotate Bad and RTSS into the setlist. I think TTTYAATW would make the setlist much more interesting too.

Sometimes I really question the judgment of U2...what could they be thinking? I mean, it's not a bad setlist by any means...it's actually pretty good...it could just be SO much better.

As for the opener, play Space Oddity and then Soon over the PA just like the last leg, then play Fez over the PA, then explode full band into Being Born with those soaring vocals...with a light explosion too...it would be EPIC.

Agree. But like most fans here, I'm looking forward to HMTMKMKM opening the encore this time. Wouldn't mind if UV along with HMTMKMKM were in the encore, best encore I could probably think of...And BD as a opener = no reaction whatsoever. It hasn't really opened a show except South Bend in Elevation. That made sense, but now I would rather have GOYB.
is someone making fun of Insane Clown Posse? or, since we never actually saw them ...... their fans?:wink::D
Agree. But like most fans here, I'm looking forward to HMTMKMKM opening the encore this time. Wouldn't mind if UV along with HMTMKMKM were in the encore, best encore I could probably think of...And BD as a opener = no reaction whatsoever. It hasn't really opened a show except South Bend in Elevation. That made sense, but now I would rather have GOYB.

Heyyyyyy, South Bend was a good show.
Pretty awesome bitching going on in this thread.:wink: I'm on the same side of the fence when it comes to the Soon>New Songs>BD transitions and with the dropping of NLOTH songs. But still U2 are giving us new songs AND a rarity! What more could you ask for? I'd be pretty siked about this show if I was going. Hell I'm not even going and I am super excited!:happy:

Exactly! I can't wait for Friday!! :cute: I just wish I could be home for the actual setlist party :sad: :madwife: working!!
Heyyyyyy, South Bend was a good show.

I'm not saying South Bend was a bad show. It was a great show. Made sense at that time (the early 2000s) for U2 to open with BD.

I don't mind them opening with it nearly a decade later, but it's out of place (no offense to anyone, I also love BD).
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