Bono's Surgery and Tour Impact - Info & Discussion Here - Part 2 [update post #370]

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No I didn't missed... And it doesn't change my post... I was just saying that if he had done something more profund about his back issues earlier this partial paralysis could have been avoided... :huh: I'm not criticizing him...

I wish him all the well in the world :up:

First, it really does sound like you're criticizing him, and second, very often, conservative steps are taken to treat back problems, and surgery isn't done until it's absolutely necessary. So, he'd probably been doing exactly what he was advised by doctors to do for it, up until surgery became unavoidable.
My boss was just telling me about when she had a herniated disk and had to have surgery, and how incredibly painful it was. I feel really sad for him. Hope he's doped up on some good meds right now.

Somewhere around 4 am this morning I got this bright idea to post how a friend of mine's dachshund had to have surgery for a nasty slipped disc this winter and recovered faster than anticipated. She's even back to hunting down and killing snakes!

Then my brain kicked in and I decided that probably wouldn't go over so well.... :reject: :uhoh:
Every American/Canadian must be so bummed. I feel with you. I bought tickets to Yokohama in 2006 (and I live in Denmark) and when
they cancelled I was destroyed.

But I will say I'm glad they're not rushing anything.

And, naturally, I'm only in a position to be so optimistic because I still get to see them.
Still, this is interesting, this will be U2's first ever 3-year tour, no?
I must be the only person who is absolutely THRILLED that the shows are postponed (though I do worry about Bono - surgery is never easy and it's always a long road to recovery, but especially when you are already getting on in age).

I am going to be in Africa in June/July and I literally was JUST about to sell my Toronto tickets, but now I will hang on to them and hopefully get to see the band next year.

It sucks for everyone who made major travel plans, I do feel very bad for you. :hug:

I am in the same boat as you! I had tickets to Seattle when an unexpected trip to Ontario came along on june 20-28 so I already had a buyer for my tickets. Luckily the buyer of my tickets went on vacation to Singapore and he said he would buy then when he got back! Well sorry for him, I will now keep my tickets. I am driving distance (live in Vancouver BC) so I had no travel plans effected in any way.

I feel really bad for Bono and I wish him a very speedy recovery! I am looking at it in the possitive way in that 1. I will be able to see them again, 2. we may actually get SoA sooner rather then later, 3. Bono will be okay and 4. the shows once he comes back will be fantastic!

We are all thinking about you BONO! Take your time in recovery, don't rush it! A tour is very minor compared to your health!
I won't respond and I won't start something here... Obviously people are a little bit stressed out, as I am, so maybe they're not understanding the meaning of my posts and/or I'm not succeding in trying to explain.

No I didn't missed... And it doesn't change my post... I was just saying that if he had done something more profund about his back issues earlier this partial paralysis could have been avoided... :huh: I'm not criticizing him...

I wish him all the well in the world :up:

i can tell you from experience that wouldn`t have made a difference!!
i`m suffering severe back problems right now with an almost paralysed right leg, gonna see the specilist this thursday. have been suffering with back troubles for 15 years now,and have been operated on a herniated disk 13 years ago. and have had a nerve block 2 years ago.
and now all of a sudden it went wrong and specilaist already said i couldnt have done nothing to prevent it. one simple wrong move can already cause the problem.
and believe me, if we could prevebt it we would!!!
i wasn`t waiting for this with 4 dogs in the house and a litter of 7 puppies and the pain that comes with it i dont wish anyone to endure!
I feel really bad for Bono and I wish him a very speedy recovery! I am looking at it in the possitive way in that 1. I will be able to see them again, 2. we may actually get SoA sooner rather then later, 3. Bono will be okay and 4. the shows once he comes back will be fantastic!

We are all thinking about you BONO! Take your time in recovery, don't rush it! A tour is very minor compared to your health!

Agree 100%. This might just be a blessing in disguise...Bono's been a trooper and overdoing it for years now. Hoping that this rest and time off really recharges his batteries...he's not a young man anymore :crack:
Oh well, I'm glad to hear the surgery went well, and the postponement is honestly a relief from waiting, now I'll be canceling my flights.
Somewhere around 4 am this morning I got this bright idea to post how a friend of mine's dachshund had to have surgery for a nasty slipped disc this winter and recovered faster than anticipated. She's even back to hunting down and killing snakes!

Then my brain kicked in and I decided that probably wouldn't go over so well.... :reject: :uhoh:

:lol: I appreciate the news!

i can tell you from experience that wouldn`t have made a difference!!
i`m suffering severe back problems right now with an almost paralysed right leg, gonna see the specilist this thursday. have been suffering with back troubles for 15 years now,and have been operated on a herniated disk 13 years ago. and have had a nerve block 2 years ago.
and now all of a sudden it went wrong and specilaist already said i couldnt have done nothing to prevent it. one simple wrong move can already cause the problem.
and believe me, if we could prevebt it we would!!!
i wasn`t waiting for this with 4 dogs in the house and a litter of 7 puppies and the pain that comes with it i dont wish anyone to endure!

Oh wow, that's awful! Hope everything goes well for you this time.
"I feel really bad for Bono and I wish him a very speedy recovery! I am looking at it in the possitive way in that 1. I will be able to see them again, 2. we may actually get SoA sooner rather then later, 3. Bono will be okay and 4. the shows once he comes back will be fantastic!"

Maybe they'll so excited that they'll play Acrobat :drool::drool:
Oh well, I'm glad to hear the surgery went well, and the postponement is honestly a relief from waiting, now I'll be canceling my flights.

Downside: $150 charge to cancel flight to Anaheim and redeposit frequent flier miles and non refundable Hotwire rooms in Anaheim/Denver/Chicago

Upside:With the vacation time already scheduled - going to South Africa for the World Cup :wave:
Oh wow, just got the news as I got into work, I'm sad.

This surgery was the only course of treatment for full recovery and to avoid further paralysis. Bono is now much better, with complete recovery of his motor deficit.

To avoid further paralysis? Holy crap! But good that it sounds like the surgery was successful. Godspeed on your recovery Bono!
i can tell you from experience that wouldn`t have made a difference!!
i`m suffering severe back problems right now with an almost paralysed right leg, gonna see the specilist this thursday. have been suffering with back troubles for 15 years now,and have been operated on a herniated disk 13 years ago. and have had a nerve block 2 years ago.
and now all of a sudden it went wrong and specilaist already said i couldnt have done nothing to prevent it. one simple wrong move can already cause the problem.
and believe me, if we could prevebt it we would!!!
i wasn`t waiting for this with 4 dogs in the house and a litter of 7 puppies and the pain that comes with it i dont wish anyone to endure!

So sorry to hear that. I have had disk problems for years so I understand and agree I wouldnt wish that kind of pain on anyone. Good luck to you!
I got the email from Ticketmaster. It was nice of them to include all the info and statements from the U2 camp. :up:
Just got my Anaheim and Seattle emails. Such a bummer as I was really looking foward to June.

On the brightside, I'm hoping for new songs and a very different concert than the one we saw at the Rose Bowl.

Get well soon B.
My mom called me - she is very bummed about Minneapolis.

I had to reassure her that we would still get to go, we'll just have to wait a year or so.

My mom = :cute:
My brother just stopped over and I had to tell him he has to wait another year. He didn't have the money to to come up for the East Rutherford shows last year.
It sucks that this leg of the tour has been postponed but at least the news today was good news!

On the bright side, we get the 360 DVD next week (I might even indulge in the super duper delux box set thingy since I won't be vacationing) to see us through the next year and I get the feeling that when they hit the States next years it will be with quite a bang!!! :D
I had planned on waiting to watch the DVD until after I'd seen both my shows ..... now, not so much!
On the bright side, we get the 360 DVD next week (I might even indulge in the super duper delux box set thingy since I won't be vacationing) to see us through the next year and I get the feeling that when they hit the States next years it will be with quite a bang!!! :D

I had planned on waiting to watch the DVD until after I'd seen both my shows ..... now, not so much!

I was just thinking about that a while ago, how I'm glad the dvd will be out soon, and that buying the super spiffy deluxe version now will be a lot less painful without travel and hotel expenses as well.
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