U2 on SNL Season premiere?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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nice pic :up:

i thought it was funny the way you originally typed it out, relax

I just got the sense that the SNL crowd (and the rest of the band) was a little uncomfortable, if not confused by Bono's stage antics, which were frankly embarrassing to watch. That, coupled with the songs that nobody knew (except U2 fans) made for an underwhelming night for U2. You could almost see in Adam's face this feeling of, "can we just get out of here already?"

Nothing at all like the energy and the excitement of the "Elevation/Instant Karma" bit on SNL several years ago.
Why do you have to be such an Ass? :|

i'm gonna bitch slap you in Phoenix!

I was waiting patiently for the 'mob' of fans to finish with edge, edge decides out of his heart to get a pic with me cuz he remembered me from Toronto in 2005.

Before you make comments like that, let me say that you don't know who I am!!!


Adam pic to come later.

:up: :wave:
I just got the sense that the SNL crowd (and the rest of the band) was a little uncomfortable, if not confused by Bono's stage antics, which were frankly embarrassing to watch. That, coupled with the songs that nobody knew (except U2 fans) made for an underwhelming night for U2. You could almost see in Adam's face this feeling of, "can we just get out of here already?"

Nothing at all like the energy and the excitement of the "Elevation/Instant Karma" bit on SNL several years ago.

Obviously, U2 feel the need to promote the new album (and possibly the tour), so they do new songs.

I think it's better than them playing it safe. Most fans complain about U2 only doing classics. I think it was a good performance, overshadowed only by Bono's bad voice. But U2 have never been really good at television, because TV audiences suck, and they are only as good as their audience.

Bono's behaviour on stage was nothing different than his behaviour on the 360 stage every second night, nothing unusual, just him being Bono. I didn't feel embarrassed at all, I felt more embarrassed for the lame crowd. I'd hate to be there with such an audience. Bono, on the other hand, seemed very emotional, very much into the songs.
Why do you have to be such an Ass? :|

i'm gonna bitch slap you in Phoenix!

I was waiting patiently for the 'mob' of fans to finish with edge, edge decides out of his heart to get a pic with me cuz he remembered me from Toronto in 2005.

Before you make comments like that, let me say that you don't know who I am!!!


Adam pic to come later.

Hooray for Jesse. :up:
After you B-Slap him I will sit on him..;)

Now find the Adam pic damn it.

Maybe because I haven't seen much pro shot NLOTH album song performances but I thought Breathe was surprisingly awesome compared to the other stuff I've watched - the guitar sounded really great!

Also loved Bono's rap at the end of MOS, really cool stuff. I think Bono is one of the few rock singers who can get away with rapping - many have tried and failed.

I could hear the audience clapping when Bono started swinging in UV on his microphone so I guess there was a lot more going on there than we realise within the audience. I am surprised they played it, but UV does seem like the type of song that might fit on the NLOTH album and I actually think NLOTH and UV as songs are somewhat similar. Still can't believe U2 never released UV as a single back in the day, because now it sounds better than ever.

Great performance! :up:
I think its amusing that on other websites ie: Gawker and Jezebel, that were live blogging the show---many people did not realise that UV was an old song---they were like 'whats that crappy new song?' :lol: Fucking morons.
I think its amusing that on other websites ie: Gawker and Jezebel, that were live blogging the show---many people did not realise that UV was an old song---they were like 'whats that crappy new song?' :lol: Fucking morons.

jezebel is one trippy-ass site...a bunch of crazy chicks there

if anyone here is a poster there, i'm not referring to you :hug:

I think its amusing that on other websites ie: Gawker and Jezebel, that were live blogging the show---many people did not realise that UV was an old song---they were like 'whats that crappy new song?' :lol: Fucking morons.

Maybe it might seem crappy to them, but some of U2's old stuff is better than what a lot of other artist's bring out today. I mean how many people like U2 can play old stuff now and make it sound like it was only released yesterday?
i liked there performance even though that new SNL stage is ridiculously to small for them or any band. Plus Bono sounded the worse I have heard him sound in 5 years so that wasn't good (as he sounded great at gillette the 2 nights i was there) its to bad because if he had come out there with that huge voice that he has had the rest of this tour it would have got people talking i think but they played MOS wich took balls so good for them the song deserves to be heard
I think its amusing that on other websites ie: Gawker and Jezebel, that were live blogging the show---many people did not realise that UV was an old song---they were like 'whats that crappy new song?' :lol: Fucking morons.

I think this goes back to that attitude amongst some fans that simply dislike the new U2 and therefore dislike any new output regardless of how a song sounds...it's automatically bad because it's the new u2 and not the old u2, whatever the fuck that means.......
I've seen a few U2/Bono fans comment on Jezebel, but for the most part, they seem to not dig the Bono. Whatever, to each their own and whatnot.

I mostly lurk though, particularly with their new format. Hate reading the comments on the new Gawker-related sites.

A lot of people on any forum I visit, don't like Bono, or U2 for that matter. People really love to make fun of them and just trash the hell out of them. I honestly can't think of another big named band that gets as much shit from non-fans as U2. I don't understand why people hate them so much.
I've read through u2-related posts on popular sports blogs and a couple on gizmodo since the tour started...the anti-Band (and specifically B) comments were hilarious

I thought about posting the links here but I didn't want to start an Internet war

I've read through u2-related posts on popular sports blogs and a couple on gizmodo since the tour started...the anti-Band (and specifically B) comments were hilarious

I thought about posting the links here but I didn't want to start an Internet war


awww....dan, i wish you would have been here for the U2 vs. Bon Jovi internet war.

at their forums, they actually argued that Bon Jovi's music has a deeper meaning than U2's. :lol:
We should pick on a random band to bate on the fans of over the internet. :hmm:

Nickelback it must be.
A lot of people on any forum I visit, don't like Bono, or U2 for that matter. People really love to make fun of them and just trash the hell out of them. I honestly can't think of another big named band that gets as much shit from non-fans as U2. I don't understand why people hate them so much.

You know why people hate U2...because they hate Bono...

As much as a admire Bono, the man can't STFU

What I personally don't understand is WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH THE THINGS HE IS SAYS?
It's not like we have to choose sides.

There are easily enough U2 fans to destroy the morale of both the Nickelback AND the Creed fanbases.

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