U2 on SNL Season premiere?

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Cool, Jesse! Thanks for sharing! That really is infuriating to hear about the mob scene at the end. Ugh, people are so stupid sometimes.

The only cool part was when the chick said "fuckin". The rest was dreadful.

Megan Fox sucked but she definitely is a piece. :wink:

how lucky was keenan to have her riding him around like a horsey :reject:

sign me up...double :reject:

Am I the only one absolutely loving that vocal melody Bono sings at the end of MOS?

"don't leave me now, alone in this song....oh, don't leave me here alone in this song"

holy shit that sounds great

I am! I am! It DID soung great........I melted when I heard it :drool:
During last night's version of MOS, it sounded like Bono sang ...

"Ive peed in every black hole..." !!!! :giggle:
Pity his voice was so badly shot, and how much he was trying to overcompensate for that – tough with those songs though, not like you can reign either in, but both are meant to be howled, not screamed. Ultraviolet though – hope a full performance, credit free video of that surfaces some day.

Just a reality check though – if in the midst of the Bomb-era, I said I’d been to the future and saw U2 play on U.S. TV, and out of three songs they did not play any singles (from any album), but did play a 7 minute gospel song and Ultraviolet, you would have said that’s not time travel, that’s just drugs, and that I should ease up on them. So bravo to U2 for leaving the Crazy Tonight’s for their Today Show demographic, and for not busting out a Vertigo or Beautiful Day for the 37,234,289 time. More of this please!
Saw the band last night as well...out of all the times I've had the opportunity I've never seen such a bunch of vultures in my life! There were a bunch of french people screaming at Bono he jumped right back in his car, thanks for that whoever you are and Edge was so mobbed he kept telling people to relax :angry: Seriously people are we 12?! The band is nice enough to come over and talk to everyone so in the future, try and act civil not like an infant and screw it up for the rest of us..:madspit::censored:

It really is bullshit and I feel bad for the true fans that want their moment. I have a friend who was there and said it's the same people who seem to cause the problems around the band. I'm sure security knows who it was and will regulate when those people are around again.

Way to fuck it up for yourself, folks! :up:
just got back from SNL and to a computer finally, review then gonna crash...

a friend of mine got tickets for me to SNL through a contact :)

so, i and another fan friend of mine show up at 7pm to get in. Got first row on 2nd level just off the floor looking straight at where the host stands at beginning of the show.. u2's stage is to left of that... good seats :) on the rail :lol:

the skits were funny, some hilarious :lol: there were no skits with u2 in them.

the dress rehearsal setlist was: breathe, MOS, Ultraviolet, breathe...

bono was in good form.. walked around on the floor a little..

Ultraviolet was like at 360 shows with the wheel thing and laser jacket :hyper:

Megan fox is hot :drool:

the cast were jumping to u2 at the end!!

Afterwards, it was raining an still is now. Went to a pub an got some food an tried to get the rude bartender to put on SNL, he put on the station but no sound :mad: ....sat there a little while an went back to where the band was to come out...

Edge comes up first.... EVERYBODY crowded around him like a mob, wtf, wait an have patience people....

Bono rolls up, gets out an shakes one hand i think an gets back in really quick because everybody is rushing over from edge to greet him...

meanwhile,... Adam, comes up an is standing next to me with practically nobody aroiund him... lol, wheres the love for the bass man? i had a chat with him for the first time ever!!! told him he's a great bass player an to have a good night in nyc... he said thanks! i got a pic with him too.

then edge finally got a chance to get a pic with me an he goes "Hey jesse" !!!!! the band knows who i am really an its amazing feeling!!!!!! because in boston, bono said thanks to me for being there... listen to the 9-20 bootlegs after WOWY (i think) :)

I have finally met all 4 of them now...

i am ashamed of the people who did not stand back an wait their turn an constantly crowding around bono an edge an freaking out the security/body guards.. People, wait an have fucking patience!!!!! :madspit:

pics to follow in a couple days or so....

off to bed!

Awesome story Jesse. I'm so happy you got to go and that you got to meet the band. It was great seeing you again too and I totally remember when Bono thanked you for being there
hmmm.. smh here

It really is bullshit and I feel bad for the true fans that want their moment. I have a friend who was there and said it's the same people who seem to cause the problems around the band. I'm sure security knows who it was and will regulate when those people are around again.

Way to fuck it up for yourself, folks! :up:

Right on Chels... how sad r "U" People... you know who "U" are... nuff said!
Just a reality check though – if in the midst of the Bomb-era, I said I’d been to the future and saw U2 play on U.S. TV, and out of three songs they did not play any singles (from any album), but did play a 7 minute gospel song and Ultraviolet, you would have said that’s not time travel, that’s just drugs, and that I should ease up on them. So bravo to U2 for leaving the Crazy Tonight’s for their Today Show demographic, and for not busting out a Vertigo or Beautiful Day for the 37,234,289 time. More of this please!

You guys think FCC will forgo the F-bomb charges because SNL premiere sucked so bad?


I doubt anyone in the FCC will be willing to watch that godawful skit to confrim that the godawful actress said fuck at the end of it.

Also, the best way to post SNL videos is to title them something about puppies skateboarding through the snow.
Also, the best way to post SNL videos is to title them something about puppies skateboarding through the snow.

It's funny because back during the leak threads I was trying to post a vid for a bunch of us and it kept getting rejected, until I removed all identifying info, within the vids file name too, and called it something about kittens. It went through fine like that, although it only showed up with other cat videos :wink:
However within a few days, the video was showing up in the proper category and was found in searches for U2 as well. So someone must actually look at them and make corrections? :hmm: I was eventually able to change the title to something proper and the vid is still there :D
Megan Fox, for me, is a lot like Jessical Beil. I can see why people think she's hot, I guess, but she leaves me limp, I'm sorry to say.
That is actually a very apt comparison, I think. Although I like Ms. Biel a bit more than Ms. Fox.

Re: U2 on SNL - They rocked.
Guys mark this date down..for the first time ever I was screaming at my screen: "STFU BONO!"

Please don't ever, ever, ever do that again during Edge's solo on MOS. Ever. kthx.


And for crissakes, they could have pulled any one of those horrible skits, Keenan's sex advice one especially, to make room for the entire UV. Funny seems to be in short supply there now :down:
Guys mark this date down..for the first time ever I was screaming at my screen: "STFU BONO!"

Please don't ever, ever, ever do that again during Edge's solo on MOS. Ever. kthx.


And for crissakes, they could have pulled any one of those horrible skits, Keenan's sex advice one especially, to make room for the entire UV. Funny seems to be in short supply there now :down:

They should have pulled all of the skits and let U2 play! :wink:
edge can definitely sleep well tonight :rolleyes:


Why do you have to be such an Ass? :|

i'm gonna bitch slap you in Phoenix!

I was waiting patiently for the 'mob' of fans to finish with edge, edge decides out of his heart to get a pic with me cuz he remembered me from Toronto in 2005.

Before you make comments like that, let me say that you don't know who I am!!!


Adam pic to come later.
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