Help! I'm tearing my hair out

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Sister Moon

The Fly
Aug 27, 2002
San Francisco
Hi All, do any of you have any tips/ideas etc. to cope with quitting smoking? I decided to quit and have now gone 24 hours without a cigarette, but it's getting really tough, any suggestions?
Firstly, good on you for getting this far!

Secondly... alright, I'll admit that though I smoked briefly when I was younger, I never really got terribly addicted to it, so I'm not going to bring as much help as others that will reply, certainly. But having something cigarette-sized thing in your hand often could help, a toothpick, a pen or whatever. Wash your car/room/house/clothes whatever, anything with the stench. Eat small pieces of fruit when you crave, or drink water. I figure it's different for everyone, but to my knowledge those can help. Good luck!
Hi All, do any of you have any tips/ideas etc. to cope with quitting smoking? I decided to quit and have now gone 24 hours without a cigarette, but it's getting really tough, any suggestions?

24 hours is a massive achievement.

Are you a smoker of habit? If so, I suggest breaking those habits where you consistently smoked. Like, after dinner, start the washing up and have a cup of tea/coffee/water/something instead of having that smoke you always had. Maybe avoid the pub if you were like me, and could never imagine not having a drink in one hand and a smoke in the other. Apart from that, at every craving, just say NO. No you won't light one up. One battle at a time and before you know it, months will have passed and you'll hopefully be free of the battles all together.

Good luck!
Wow, good luck with this! :up: The first week is the toughest!

As Angela said, it's best to find other stuff to do where you used to smoke in the past. I've heard a lot of people say that chewing gum or chewing on a pen or such can help. My dad just quit cold turkey after almost 40 years of smoking. Pity it ruined his mood permanently.
Good Luck. I quit smoking 3 years ago cold turkey. It was hard, but I coped. I tried not to think about it and found a hobby and that helped me a little.
This is going to sounds really dumb, but the best peice of advice I ever got for quitting smoking was "If you don't want to smoke, don't go smoke." I quit two and a half years ago, and when I'd get that urge, I'd just tell myself "no". It sucks, especially at the beginning, but it passes.
maybe this will help.

I don't smoke, but I wanted to wish you the best of luck in quitting. I know it's not easy to do so.
i second this. i've never smoked other than the odd cigarette while trying to look rebellious, nor have i ever known anyone who bothered to quit. (well, my mom's dad quit cold turkey but that's not really a help!) so while i don't have any tips, i want to wish you luck. your body will thank you! :)
Thanks again everybody....You are all MAGNIFICENT people! And thanks Doozer for that picture, I just printed it out and I am putting it on my fridge and I'm going to look at it everytime I feel like smoking.
I just wanted to say I didn't quit cold turkey. I'm using the nicotene patch. anybody else ever use them? I'm getting insomnia from them.
i've heard of other people getting insomnia from patches. i considered using them but balked at the cost of them (go figure! :der: ), so i went cold turkey. i've heard the chewing gum is kinda handy. i wonder with these things if you're actually weaning yourself off? i know you go down in strength over time, but everyone i've ever spoken to who's gone cold turkey has said once you get past that initial first week or so, it really does become a lot easier. i had the luck of something clicking in my brain and the choice to quit was easier than i thought possible.
I just wanted to say I didn't quit cold turkey. I'm using the nicotene patch. anybody else ever use them? I'm getting insomnia from them.

Yes, I've heard that these pills hype you up a lot! There's too much nicotine in them and I think they only dislocate the addiction.
My dad went to the family doctor, because there was no way he could ever quit smoking cold turkey. The doctor gave him some sort of pills which don't contain nicotine, but still diminish the 'hunger' for cigarettes. There was also a diary involved, in case it was getting really tough. He had to take them for 2 weeks. My dad actually quit the pills after 10 days and he is 'clean' now since last November. I't quite an achievement since my dad used to be a heavy smoker. He used to smoke 3 or 4 packs of self roll tobacco a week.

Good luck with the quitting!
Well 8 days without smoking and I'm down on a lower dose of the patch, and it's really going ok! I am chewing alot of gum though. One thing I've noticed so far, is my Carpal tunnel thing in my hands is gone! I've read up on carpal tunnel and never read anywhere or heard from my Dr. that smoking can cause it, but they had that as a fact on the chart in the book I got from Kaiser on Stopping smoking, a good thing to know! going away tomorrow on a smoke free vacation to Yosemite!

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