Post here if you're still holding out for the album

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Have you listend to the 30sec clips of the whole album?

  • Yes, I couldnt wait!

    Votes: 198 57.4%
  • No, I wait till the whole album is leaked

    Votes: 33 9.6%
  • No, I wait till the whole album is released

    Votes: 114 33.0%

  • Total voters
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I accidentally heard about 90 seconds of it on the radio Thursday morning. I got out of the shower and had the radio on (which I rarely do in the morning), and I was all, ".... hey, is that Bono singing? Oh shit, it's a new song!"

I stood there debating whether or not I should run to the other room to switch the station or just keep listening. I decided that standing there with my wet hair and shivering wasn't my ideal spot to be making a snap judgement of a new U2 song, so I ran and shut it off. But heard enough to realize what song it was.

Somebody (an evil person) just sent me a download page with all 11 files listed and staring me in the face. It was unsolicited. They're trying to tempt me! I shouldn't... :scream:

Now that it's being played on the radio and streamed on U2's myspace page you wont even let yourselves just listen to it?
Seems like the more time that passes since the album leaked it's getting easier to avoid. I think when it first leaked it was so tempting cause the excitment level hit the roof knowing the album was out and people were listening. Now though that initial excitment has passed and it's a new calm before the real storm. I can wait now and it's gonna be no problem. The hard part is over.
Seems like the more time that passes since the album leaked it's getting easier to avoid. I think when it first leaked it was so tempting cause the excitment level hit the roof knowing the album was out and people were listening. Now though that initial excitment has passed and it's a new calm before the real storm. I can wait now and it's gonna be no problem. The hard part is over.

:up: yep . . . although I do have 'friends' trying to test me by calling, going straight to messagebank and leaving 'songs' as messages - charmers aren't they? :angry:

I would be delighted. :wink:

I'm actually officially holding out because I can't actually finish downloading it. :D

:ohmy: traitor :angry: . .. we'll have to kick you off the island :D
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