The Temple Bar - Tap that butt, wax the cuts, pass the bucks...MUYFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Like you're normally able to do so?


If only you'd come up with creative new ways to insult me, maybe then I wouldn't be so bored.

And Drea, I give a mighty WTF. How much...2 million? 200 million? To find out what we already knew. WTG canada. :hi5:


Next you hear, people will be wanting to elect Palin for President. Oh wait. :|
Bri, I think it's around 300 million. Definitely a waste of money. :tsk:

I still haven't gotten my absentee ballot yet for the US elections. Not sure when or if that's still coming...
If I forget again tomorrow I dont' anticipate getting it in time...I can NOT forget.
It's really jank lol but most things I create are made that way on purpose :lol:
Being compared to ElMel is such a high level of praise I'm not really sure how to feel

I guess I 'd like to thank the academy...
And God

And my mom

And my cat..

Uh...who else?

Sarah Palin...for being you. You Go girl!

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