The Cobblers Two 156 Roma St, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia - Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It's amazing how far the Aussie team has fallen.

Wonder how competitive the T20 and ODI teams are? Really, really looking forward to the ODIs. God I hope the format doesn't die.
I'm very happy right now.

I now have CD's of numerous Russian artists that has been missing for ages but my mother found them today when cleaning out some things we hadn't packed when we moved in last year.

So many music listenings will be had today. :drool:
Vlad, you seem happier about the end of the cricket than Charlotte, and you're the one who's meant to like cricket!

Anyway, I'm heading into the uni library for a bit. :wave:
Hitting two DI lists in one day can be a bit :crack: but Screw's list is making it worthwhile.
Giving Traviud's list another go. Hard to appreciate music when my brother is driving me crazy. But he's in bed and now ONWARDS!
The part where the guy gives them away was the one that made me go "Guh?"

That was incredible, yeah.

Loving the shit out of Traviud's list. In the thick of the Motown bit. I am such a sucker for Motown love songs.
Oh my god, that penguin video! :love:

he's all like, "HOLY SHIT GUYS, LOOK IT'S SNOW SNOW SNOW! LOOK AT THE SNOW! o.M.G. snow!!!!!!! GUYS, GUYS OMG GUYS! ARE YOU SEEING THIS!?!?!/" And the other penguins are all like, "Calm the fuck down dude, you're a've seen snow literally your entire life."
Fucking Zombies.

Beat the trial version of Plants vs Zombies again. It's not even hard anymore. Tempted to buy the full version just for some variety, y'know?
Finished Traviud's list. Reviewed on the DI thread. Debating whether to listen to iYup or collapse's list next. Well, tomorrow. I'm getting tired tonight.

ETA: iYup is in the queue for tomorrow. collapse I might hit tomorrow night if I get thru iYup or def on Saturday night.
I just reviewed collapse's list. I think I'll do either Traviud's or Screw's next.

I've been inspired to work on Metal Island again my collapse's list. God, which Emperor track to use ...
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