Random Music Talk LVIII: The Moon And Antarctica

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Amarillo was the city I remember driving through.

That's because West Texas is the most boring place on earth, with a few exceptions.

And Amarillo is that exception. I'm pretty sure I've already told you all about my 13 hour bus ride from Fort Worth to Albuquerque though. :crack:

Far and away the worst drive I have ever had is Illinois from tip to tip. It takes upwards of nine hours, and there is little else to look at but abandoned gas stations and pro-NRA yard signs.

This. Right here. And I've made that drive...time after time after time after time.

East Indiana is bad if you're not taking the Interstate. The way we drive to Fort Wayne is about the worst possibly thing anyone can ever experience, much as I love and adore my home state.

Damn it.

I heard a Coldplay song I like.

It's so much easier to hate them, because I've hated every other song of theirs I've heard.

Damn it.
Boston Legal, Secret World of Arrietty and Chinese food. Hello Friday night
(Ankle) still swollen. Doesn't really hurt per se but I've been walking a lot and it's probably slowing the healing process down.

Not sure what the recommended treatment is here. Like, I can't stay off it indefinitely. Homie gotta work.
Which song was it, Reggo?

I just remember a lot of cows. So many cows in those giant pens that they turned into a giant, brownish blur. We kept the windows up for most of the drive.

Oh, yeah. Been on a few of those trips before.

I remember my family taking a drive through Illinois once for a trip, and when we were going to our destination AND when we were coming back, both times we wound up getting stranded in the exact same town.

Now, Montana! There's a place I'll happily drive for the wide open spaces. It just felt so huge and open ... when I was moving here from Wisconsin, we stopped near Missoula for the night, and as we walked around, it was like I totally got the whole "Big Sky Country" thing. Gorgeous. Just loved it. (Although the eastern half of the state isn't quite as nifty as the western half.)

My mom's family took a trip through Montana once back when she was a kid, and she agreed the scenery was beautiful, but she said the drive seemed very long and boring to her. But again, she was a kid at the time, so...

I've only been to the far southeastern corner of Montana, and only for a few short moments at that. I'd like to go through that state proper sometime. And agreed on Wyoming. I loved the scenery when I lived there. There were some beautiful areas of that state, definitely.

Dang, I really want to take a good road trip again. Hopefully next summer when I have a new (well, new to me) car, I can do that - take a week and just go. My car makes just enough noise right now on normal drives that it makes me nervous enough not to want to take it anywhere really far.

(and my car place did tell me something major in regards to the steering looks like it's near its last legs, so I just want it to last me until late fall now.)

We have a car kinda like that. Its passenger side door handle is broken off, so my mom has to roll the windows down or open the passenger door herself so I can get in, the knobs for the air and heat in the car are busted, it's an older car and some of the paint's chipped, we had to do some stuff with the engine when we first got it...

...and yet oddly enough, that's one of the BETTER cars my family has owned over the years. It runs fine right now, but yeah, my mom's hesitant about taking it too far out of town.

Texas is a living hell to drive through, but Indiana might actually be worse, especially heading east.

Indiana is a weird state to drive through. It's really creepy at night (so is Kansas, speaking of weird states), and my family passed through the town of Gary when we went there. Um. Yeah. If that town's had better days, they must've been a long, LONG time ago.

I've been through Texas, too, but I was, like, 3 or 4 years old at the time (my family was driving from Iowa to Arizona to visit my grandma), so I have absolutely no memory of that part of the trip.

I had it rough learning to drive in Maryland. The terrain changes fairly often, there aren't very many highways or interstates and the weather is horrible. Regardless, that's a great deal more interesting as far as road trips are concerned. I used to have to drive 3-4 hours to every concert, but I didn't mind when I could just look off to one side and see this:


This is gorgeous. I'd be completely fine with that being part of my daily drive.

Just found out Franz Ferdinand is coming to Seattle in August. Got my ticket.


*Envious* Lucky you!
Carrying on the Modest Mouse theme, where in their history should I start listening to Built to Spill?
lazarus said:
Perfect From Now On.

It's representative and also the best.

I would say the exact same thing about Keep It Like A Secret.

I love them both though. Listen to them back to back.
Please don't say Para-para-paradise.

Shit, no. That song puts me on the edge of suicide when it gets stuck in my head. It was the title track to Viva La Vida. And it was actually kinda good.

"I generally don't like Coldplay, but the title track to Viva La Vida is enjoyable" takes so much more energy than "I hate everything I've ever heard from Coldplay."
Oh, I just saw the lineup for the thing that Impy's going to. Smile Smile (That local band I kind of hype every now and again) are going to be there. Good for them, I suppose. If you happen to see this beforehand and see their set, let me know what you think, Impster. They probably won't change your life or anything, but they're pretty fun to listen to their stage banter. The girl in the group used to be pretty attractive too, but her recent hairstyle choices have left much to be desired.
Pictures like those make me realize how long it's been since I've seen real grass and trees. #desertlife
Yeah, I hate myself for it, too. can't even blame it on an altered state of consciousness or an advanced level of intoxication. I was driving home from work, was listening to it and enjoyed it. Oh, well. Just one song. I've hated everything else I've heard from them and that still stands. Yellow, Clocks, Paradise, etc. Horrible, horrible songs.
The girl in the group used to be pretty attractive too

You probably sold him on it right there.

Yeah, I hate myself for it, too. can't even blame it on an altered state of consciousness or an advanced level of intoxication. I was driving home from work, was listening to it and enjoyed it. Oh, well. Just one song. I've hated everything else I've heard from them and that still stands. Yellow, Clocks, Paradise, etc. Horrible, horrible songs.

"...that was when I ruled the world." Never did, never will, you fucking knob.

Godawful lyrics.
We doin' this?


My hometown's greatest feature.


Seriously, this is something you can see in INDIANA.

Also this:

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