Ordinary Love

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Yeah, I found that interesting indeed. And usually they say "it's U2's new single". BUt no, this was U2's new song, from the soundtrack.

Which makes Hollow Island's point that htis is the worst single they ever released,, in terms of marketing and promotion, kinda moot. As it isn't actually a single it's not being marketed as such. It's being marketed as a soundtrack.
It's a new U2 song. The first U2 song after March 2009, if you're not counting songs released on limited vinyl within a deluxe box set. Of course it's going to be played on the radio whether or not it is technically a single - for some time at least, depending if it catches on or not.
In all fairness the coldpaly track fits the mood of the movie when the credits show. Just like the u2 track does in the trailer.

Two good songs i think.

people read to much into movie soundtracks,there made for a purpose for the film not to be released as a stand out band single!
Overall, I don't think it's a bad song. I'm hoping that it's just a teaser of what the album will bring without being representative of it. I do find the guitars to be a bit... flat, but that drum and bass?:drool:

I'm hoping the album will be punchier...
i have absolutely no idea why i'm writing in this thread, but it's probably a combination of me being too lazy to do any work and a steady dose of boredom.

no idea why there's such a comparison between this and coldplay's atlas. two different songs by two different bands for two different films. one doesn't have to necessarily be better than the other, they're just different.
i have absolutely no idea why i'm writing in this thread, but it's probably a combination of me being too lazy to do any work and a steady dose of boredom.

no idea why there's such a comparison between this and coldplay's atlas. two different songs by two different bands for two different films. one doesn't have to necessarily be better than the other, they're just different.

True, but if they are both up for Oscars, there will be a comparison.
True, but if they are both up for Oscars, there will be a comparison.

This isn't meant to be directed at you specifically, but who the fuck cares about Oscars? Outside the ludicrous music and film world, what other industries feel the need to broadcast entirely trivial award shows to the masses? These shows are so incredibly biased to fit the agendas of those who are sponsoring the events that no one can ever feel anything other than a bit lucky for winning a piece of hardware.

Grammys are the same thing. How many Grammy's did U2 win for Achtung Baby? And how many did they win for How to dismantle an atomic bomb? It's utterly preposterous, this award show business.
OL credits say that Breath Mandela version has been re recorded at electric lady! Cool, can't wait to hear the new guitar sound with new prod...
I'm sure U2 wouldn't mind winning one, so ....

I think it's hilarious how the Oscars used to nominate a lot of A-list stars like Sting, Elvis Costello, U2, etc. but now they're rightfully snubbing these artists thanks to a new nomination system based on the actual quality of the song rather than just name recognition. Would not be shocked at all if both this and the Coldplay track failed to even get recognized in that capacity since they're certainly not up to the level of catchiness of some of the recent nominees/winners.

The track as a whole is definitely boring and the Coldplay comparisons are apt (annoyingly repetitive sloganeering lyrics, piano line, Adult Alternative radio sound, etc.). I don't think it's indicative at all of what we'll get with the album though since "The Hands That Built America" kind of falls into a similar category.
I think it's hilarious how the Oscars used to nominate a lot of A-list stars like Sting, Elvis Costello, U2, etc. but now they're rightfully snubbing these artists thanks to a new nomination system based on the actual quality of the song rather than just name recognition. Would not be shocked at all if both this and the Coldplay track failed to even get recognized in that capacity since they're certainly not up to the level of catchiness of some of the recent nominees/winners.

The track as a whole is definitely boring and the Coldplay comparisons are apt (annoyingly repetitive sloganeering lyrics, piano line, Adult Alternative radio sound, etc.). I don't think it's indicative at all of what we'll get with the album though since "The Hands That Built America" kind of falls into a similar category.

No, The hands that built.... is the worst song U2 ever made. The only U2-song that makes me throw up. It's sooo bad!

For the rest, I like almost all songs...

About 'Ordinary Love' Although the piano remind a lot of people to Coldplay's Clocks, it is not fair to compare U2 with Coldplay. That would be the world upside down For the Dutch people here: It's like saying that the new Pearl Jam album sounds like Kane.
I like 'Ordinary Love' and it is very promising that this version will not be on the album. Which I understand as that it was not considered good enough for the album...expectations! (although Windows in the Skies, Ground beneath her feet, Sweetest Thing, Hold me, kiss me.... and Electrical Storm are all examples that very good songs not always appear on their albums!)

what I really don't like abput Ordinary Love, is the fade out ...
Don't mind the song. On an album, one song like that would be ok. But an album full of such songs would be boring.

One thing I don't like is Bono's high pitched vocals thesedays. It's a bit cringeworthy.
One thing I don't like is Bono's high pitched vocals thesedays. It's a bit cringeworthy.

I tend to agree. His vocals on Ordinary Love (and This Is) are pretty atrocious. Maybe he's trying to sound "younger", but his voice has naturally weathered so the higher register ends up sounding a tad "nasal". When Bono embraces a deeper texture (as in WAS and Cedars) he sounds infinitely more interesting.
I tend to agree. His vocals on Ordinary Love (and This Is) are pretty atrocious. Maybe he's trying to sound "younger", but his voice has naturally weathered so the higher register ends up sounding a tad "nasal". When Bono embraces a deeper texture (as in WAS and Cedars) he sounds infinitely more interesting.

Talking is an "interesting" texture?
what I really don't like abput Ordinary Love, is the fade out ...

The version on the actual soundtrack does not have the fade out, it has a longer coda at the end with the "are we tough enough for ordinary love" line. You can hear that on the version that was recorded at a screening and leaked online. I hope that this version will be on the actual soundtrack or the album or something, it's better!

As to Bono's high-pitched voice, it just sounds a bit out of place in the ambient intro, it would have made more sense to start more quietly and then sing with more power when the drums kick in. Once the whole of the music comes in I quite like it.
Not that keen on first few listens - maybe its a grower
Would make a good album tune - but need a better comeback single for album
I actually quite like the song. Its definitely a grower. I hope they don't put this version or any other version on the new album as I want to hear new songs.
I think it's way too catchy not to put on the album - but I on the other hand, it may not fit in terms of style (a bit like the ground beneath her feet was a good song but did not fit on ATYCLB). I do hope however that we get to hear the longer version one way or another.
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