LP13 Discussion - Rumor Has It: Sirens, iTunes Festival, etc.

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Finishing touches taking place over the next few weeks. Things should start moving very quickly over the next month. Announcement by early to mid September with the first single either the week of the 15th or 22nd.
Ryan Tedder was on the Today show this morning and asked about it, surprisingly. All he said was that it was "a lot closer than it was six months ago."
Finishing touches taking place over the next few weeks. Things should start moving very quickly over the next month. Announcement by early to mid September with the first single either the week of the 15th or 22nd.
We'll see. I hope so.
Finishing touches taking place over the next few weeks. Things should start moving very quickly over the next month. Announcement by early to mid September with the first single either the week of the 15th or 22nd.

I've marked October 21 on my calendar.

Album or not. that shit is marked.
Whatever date the actual release is, I fully expect U2 to stream it on iTunes Radio the prior Monday.
I wonder if Universal Colombia's social media intern is currently being yelled at.

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Interesting. As long as they keep itunes match, I'm happy. I have my whole collection availabe for $25 per year.
iTunes Match is great.

I wonder if Universal Colombia's social media intern is currently being yelled at.

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I think he screwed up "the surprise" for the rest of the world. I bet that information was as recent as this week, and he couldn't remain tight-lipped because he was too excited. Anyways, who sends out that type of tweet in the early morning hours?
Interns ruin everything.

(I'm an intern.)

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Well... As stupid as interns can be (no offense digi), I don't think that tweet would have gone out unless whoever tweeted it thought they were supposed to.

I highly doubt anyone would just tweet out a rumor they heard around the office on the official verified twitter account.
I heard about Vertigo the first time months before the announcement when Gavin Friday (good ole' Gavin) took me and my best girl up on a tour of the big clock tower in Brugge. The Belfry of Brugge theys call it. We got to the top, drunk ole' Gavin starts spinning round like he's got some kinda marbles in his brains or somethin. I said me "Gavin, you're gonna get vertigo". And he stops that spinnin', looks me straight on with those eyes of his...cold, lifeless black eyes, and says "There's yer new U2 song laddie. Vertigo."

Later I bought that whole record. I was comin’ for a holiday visit in November 2004 , stopping by on my way home to the island of Ireland for New Years. U2 had just delivered the Bomb, the Atomic Bomb, and I went to the local mall to buy it. Saw thousands of cars at that mall. Holiday shoppers & shop keeps wantin' to keep their business on a payin' basis. Took me about 12 minutes to find a place to park. Didn’t seem my first salesman for about a half hour. Stopped at Starbucks to pick up a latte, then went to the record store. FYE or HMV or some such thing I think it was. 13,000 footer store. You know how you tell that? Look at the distance from the registers in front to the toilets in back. I didn’t know, I just wanted to buy Bomb in the CD section. Also meant to buy some presents, my mission was so secret didn' tell anyone I went shoppin', so no one would come lookin’. Anyway, seemed like all the sales geeks come calling that day, and when one of ‘em got close, it was kinda like old squares in the battle like you see in the calendar named "The Battle of Waterloo" and the idea was I’d start poundin’ & hollerin’ & screamin’. Sometimes, them sales guys went away, sometimes they wouldn’t go away. Sometimes that sales guy looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. Black eyes. And that’s the thing about these sales people, they got lifeless eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When they come at ya, they don’t seem to be livin’. Just wanna sell ya something'. Until they ask for your credit card. Then their black eyes roll over white and your bank account turns red and despite all the poundin’ & hollerin’, all them sales types come in and rip your wallet to pieces. You know by the time I finished my latte I lost maybe a hundred dollars in that store, maybe more. I don’t know how many customers lost money that day, maybe a thousand. And they kept bringin’ ‘em in, maybe six hundred an hour.

Well I finally go to the CD section, I saw an old friend from school on the North Side. Paddy McPaddington. D&D player. Insurance salesman now. But there he was, with a fat wife, 4 kids & 50 inch jeans. You know how you tell that? Ya look at the distance from their belt buckle to their belly. Well, his life been upended, pants split in half below the waist.

About nine that day, I finally got in line to buy my CD. Saw the guy behind the register, young guy, a lot younger than any of you are here. Anyway, he’s about to close that store, have dinner & eat a big fat PBJ. Thought I might miss my chance in line. You know that was the time I was most frightened...waitin’ my turn to escape that shopping mall. I’ll never set foot in a record store again.

So, I went in that mall with 200 dollars, came out with 10 and a CD, sales geeks took the rest, November 17, 2004. Anyway, I got the Bomb.

Pretty good, but not up to Garrison standards.

Oh, I know. Frau Garrison is the master, and I am but the Padawan learner. You could just say Garrison's (along with Robert Shaw) one of my influences.

Actually for fun sometimes I enjoy trying to emulate a writing style, or create a new one altogether. Just for chuckles.

PS. And who are you to criticise writing anyway? Know your place, intern. ;)
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