PGP working Pro Bono for the boys - Happy 50th Birthday B

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That's fantastic Jess :applaud::yippie:
I'm so excited. Its a five-dollar-an-hour raise. I'll get health insurance. And at the end of this project, I can easily be reassigned to something else. I had a feeling they were grooming me for this. I just hope I still get June 3rd off. Eh, I doubt I'll get promoted by then. An extra 400 every paycheck. :drool: I can put that to very good use. Like earning interest in my savings account.

My boss's boss and her boss talked it over today. *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* The Claw is here and come hell or high water, I'm finishing Larry Mullen's poster tomorrow.

Reggo had a good day. :D

I'm so excited. Its a five-dollar-an-hour raise. I'll get health insurance. And at the end of this project, I can easily be reassigned to something else. I had a feeling they were grooming me for this. I just hope I still get June 3rd off. Eh, I doubt I'll get promoted by then. An extra 400 every paycheck. :drool: I can put that to very good use. Like earning interest in my savings account.

Congrats Jess!! That rocks :hug:
CONGRATS, Jess!! That's awesome!! Save your pennies and you'll be out of your mom's house in no time!

I'm going to be dept. chair next year - a whopping $500 raise. Whoop-de-friggin-do.

:wave: SG!
I so need to see Ironman and Ironman Two.

...Iron Man*

The Geek Show has ruined my life.
Jess, can't wait to see Larry's.

(poster, I mean) :wink:

I've never been too into the superhero stuff, except X-Men, which I love. And even then, I don't feel the need to go to opening night or anything. :shrug: But you get your geek on!
Larry's poster's info is for Soldier Field. I guess I'll make Bono's opening night. :hmm: Or Toronto.
Well, it's a fair question. :lol:

When I told my coworkers I was going to England, they were like, "Oh is U2 playing?" Then I had to explain that I was following another band. :lol:

Of course not forgetting Wild, NI, Alfie, Sadie, Bonnie, Anji, and Jem too. :flirt:
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