PGP working Pro Bono for the boys - Happy 50th Birthday B

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Thora, what did you think? (lost)

I thought it was pretty good. I had a feeling Jack would be "the One," but somehow I doubt he'll end up being the guardian of the island once the finale is over. That was just a little bit too easy. But who knows.

The last scene of them all at the pier and getting ready to go to the concert got me SO excited for the next episode! It's going to be so freaking amazing!! I'm excited and nervous all at once. :lol:

Right now I'm listening to a Lost podcast, and Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond) is a guest on this episode. His accent is so swoon-worthy! :drool: He's not talking enough for my liking. :lol:

yes! his accent is delicious!

I liked it a whole lot thought i got confused a bit.... ( don't ask me right now, I'm tired I can't quite remember why) .

it will be interesting to see how much more of "what" the Golden Light is.
I liked BC's comment on how in the past people gave mystical interpeptations to it, while later on we now know it's magnetism.
But It may be something more- still?

For real here- there are a few on the"fringe" astronauts and real astro & quantum physicists that to their shock actually have had "paranormal" and other "non-scientific" experiences, that some are working on the closing gap between quantum mechanics/physics AND real spirtuality ....

( I can recommend some books ion this if your interested)

Interesting how several people have thot jack might not end up being there alone but might still have part of the O6 with him.

yes! his accent is delicious!

I liked it a whole lot thought i got confused a bit.... ( don't ask me right now, I'm tired I can't quite remember why) .

it will be interesting to see how much more of "what" the Golden Light is.
I liked BC's comment on how in the past people gave mystical interpeptations to it, while later on we now know it's magnetism.
But It may be something more- still?

For real here- there are a few on the"fringe" astronauts and real astro & quantum physicists that to their shock actually have had "paranormal" and other "non-scientific" experiences, that some are working on the closing gap between quantum mechanics/physics AND real spirtuality ....

( I can recommend some books ion this if your interested)

Interesting how several people have thot jack might not end up being there alone but might still have part of the O6 with him.

I have absolutely NO clue where they're going to go with the finale, but I'm okay with that, and will be okay with whatever ends up happening, but I do hope they explain the light/source/heart/whatever of the island a bit more. And of course answer some of the bigger questions in more full detail.

I've read that some people think that Ben is going to end up the guardian, and that all he's gone through has been grooming him to be the ultimate one. I kinda like that, and it would make sense for it to be him ending up on the island.

So much to think about! :lol:
WILD!!!! DAZ!!!!! I feel like I never see y'all anymore!
Hi, Thora and K.
Hey, Daz, are you gonna come to Chicago?

ZOOEY!!! :hug:


I have to re check the train b/c sincde .....

ok. the CONCERT is on the 6th?

And if July 5th (I expect) is the Official Holiday Day Off-- I wonder IF the fares will be more expense!!?? :sad: Cause I guess I would travel maybe late on the 4th --
to get there on the 5th so I could spend some time with you:love: all and :hyper: see Chicago for the first time.

This would be whether I HAD A GA seat or not!

I basically plan to have a about 120 - 140$ to add to my Xmas/BD gift $ from my sis {80$}. 120 + 80 = 200/ 140 =80 = 220$

I'm nOT sure how I can get a seat b/c MY credit card is near it's limit! I'd be able to pay someone back in 2 0r 3 payemnts aug/sept/oct.

altho IF I don't get a GA at the least I COULD travel out to Soldiers Feild and hear them do their sound check--
I did hear them sound check for Giants Stadium while I was on the GA line! that'd be better than nothing!
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