BREATHE Appreciation - Discuss

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
I think we are going to need one thread for each song.


:drool::drool: :love::love:
Sounds like if Achtung Baby and October had a baby. I keep getting this October vibe from it, like a rainy, grey day, kinda cold. Maybe it's just the piano?
Fuck. Yes.

THIS is everything that U2 have always tried being.

The intro, the drum breakdown in the middle, and Egde's solo are amazing. Amazing.
After the 2nd listen thru the album, this song emerged as the 2nd best, with Magnificent coming in first. Not bad...nearly bookending the album with the best songs.
After the 2nd listen thru the album, this song emerged as the 2nd best, with Magnificent coming in first. Not bad...nearly bookending the album with the best songs.

Exactly how I feel!
I like it, but I truly believe the beach version was better. At least they found a place for the "We are people born of sound, the songs are in our eyes" line at the end.
It has great the keyboards, but I prefer to listen to it a few more times to make any comment. Right now, it's ranked as #10 to me in NLOTH's songs. Not bad at all, since I do like the #11 ranked.
i am disapponted in the lack of appreciation for breathe. :tsk:

Breathe kicks so much ass!!!!!!

I love this damn song, it's an instant classic!!!

Trust me, you will soon understand how great this song is once you listen to it a few times

This is the song that holds the whole album together, i shit you not
I don't look at this song as a rocker. I look at it as a moody, emotional soundscape that uses rock as another layer. When i listen to this I get a sense of understanding about U2, like I totally get how they got from there to here. I hear bits of everything they've done in this song. It's strange, like a coming full circle type of song.
I didn't listen to the beach clips so didn't know too much what to expect, but fuck me this song just blew me away :drool:



Seriously though, probs, my fave song right now, can't wait till i can read the lyrics and sing along, the versus are so much fun to spit out!!!!
This song kicks my ass over and over. I can't fucking sleep because I need to hear it one more time, again. Best song in.... Hmmm not sure yet.:heart:
can't wait to hear this very loud....can't see Bono getting these lyrics right at all on way
2nd best song for me.

It sounds new, it sounds familiar.
This is what U2 is all about. It builds incredibly, Edge's solo is FUCKING OUT OF THIS WORLD, it's one big orgasm of a song.
Love the song. It's great. But I do miss the big flourishes at the end of the beach version. It's a bit like when Radiohead debuted songs during the tour and re-worked them for the album. That said, it's WOW.
Love the song. It's great. But I do miss the big flourishes at the end of the beach version. It's a bit like when Radiohead debuted songs during the tour and re-worked them for the album. That said, it's WOW.

I get you, and at the beginning, I didn't like many of the album versions of the new Radiohead songs either. But now it's the other way around. I suspect this will be the same.
I think I liked the Beach Clip more. :reject:

It's not bad, it's still a good song, but as I expected it's not a really coherent song. There is so much different stuff going on. I like the single parts of it, but I'm still having problems with the songs as a whole. Love the chorus, though, makes my hear soar.
I think I liked the Beach Clip more. :reject:

It's not bad, it's still a good song, but as I expected it's not a really coherent song. There is so much different stuff going on. I like the single parts of it, but I'm still having problems with the songs as a whole. Love the chorus, though, makes my hear soar.

I'm gonna have to agree with you LU, not that I'm bitching about the album version! both are magnificent songs, it's just that the beach clip sounded like it had more attitude. I know it's difficult to tell from a shitty recording, but the lyrics had more punch (like the '...take any shit from me' lyric) and the extended guitar solo which before becoming chimey was a bit bluesy.

However I'm glad it surprised me instead of being EXACTLY what i expected. It is a very good song and high-calibre for U2:wave:
Shame they cut the singing from the outro of the beach clip :sad:

Great song though!! :D
Upon initial listen it felt like familiar territory... The most U2 sounding song on the record, but in a good way.
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