You're the Best Thing About Me - Song Discussion

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The people who don't like the song have such a high view of their own opinion don't they? Because they don't like it then that means no one else layouts like it and ur will drop like a stone? How about you just don't like the song but it is perfectly ok for others to like it, and if it does well then great?
Gawd, we over think everything don't we...:crazy:


Headache...:love:...your dissection of the crappy\weird lyric by the Killers is excellent. I completely agree...:yes:

Everyone else who loves this song...:madwife:

I mean, the production, with the lyric, combined with U2's ambition makes this song unlistenable...:doh:
never, they always play new songs for the entire tour and initial, glowing reactions to new songs are always accurate
Gawd, we over think everything don't we...:crazy:


Headache...:love:...your dissection of the crappy\weird lyric by the Killers is excellent. I completely agree...:yes:

Everyone else who loves this song...:madwife:

I mean, the production, with the lyric, combined with U2's ambition makes this song unlistenable...:doh:

I can't stop listening to it. :wave:
We've been hit with so much generic music from other bands.
U2 rarely goes generic. For me, that's what makes this a good song.
Generic with a touch of U2 is better than most of the other shit out there.
And I'm sorry to say, generic with a touch of U2 is also better than some of the experimental shit U2 have tried to pull off (their last great experiment was Pop imo).
I really don't want to get too deep in this whole lyric thing, seems silly.

But obviously it wasn't just an oversight, we know he's been singing it this way over a year.

What if he's just having fun with a local colloquialism?

My ex's family were "off the boat" Irish, and the older men(especially), that's how they would talk.

You would hear them say, "that's the worst thing to happen a fella".

I think this ^ probably nails it.

When I heard it before seeing the lyric video, I assumed it was a blending of linguistic words sort of creating slang. Like, Let's go = S'go . I thought it sounded like "Happened t'a boy". Where the D and T merged leaving the A seemingly on its own. Ultimately the lyric video proves all this wrong... unless who ever created it did not want "t'a boy" to be on their video portfolio ;) .
well if you don't listen to a lot then the odds finding good stuff are slim, particularly since you have to search for good music because the old channels of presentation are fucking garbage (or nonexistent)
Edge is still stuck though from the sound of the first two releases but I don't know if he's still caught up in the "writing a good pop song" schtick or the negativity of POP soured him on being creative with his guitar or the explosion of guitar gear heads making it more difficult to be creative or if he is genuinely out of ideas. The fact that they're having Adam more out in front seems to allow Edge to ride in the backseat which isn't U2
Adam's basslines aren't strong enough to be the focal point. Which is fine, not everyone can be Peter Hook.
well if you don't listen to a lot then the odds finding good stuff are slim, particularly since you have to search for good music because the old channels of presentation are fucking garbage (or nonexistent)

I only got into Spotify's Discover Weekly playlist this past year, but it has been extremely helpful in that regard. Then when I look up some of those songs online, they still only have a thousand views or whatever.

I've tried Pandora in the past, but with the limited skips and play-overs of songs you previously heard or pressed like on, it's hard to discover a lot of a new stuff there.
I can't think of a lead single dropped, can you?

The biggest issues with this song are in the production, it could be killer live.

not a lead single, no. but they do drop new songs. this could be good live but I'd be surprised if it was good enough, or got a good enough reaction to earn its place though. still, boots lasted a whole tour so who the fuck knows with these guys
Personally, I can't wait for the interview where Bono explains how cheeky the "happen a boy" lyric is. The mental gymnastics he's going to perform to explain that line will be astounding.
The people who don't like the song have such a high view of their own opinion don't they? Because they don't like it then that means no one else layouts like it and ur will drop like a stone? How about you just don't like the song but it is perfectly ok for others to like it, and if it does well then great?

There are the posters who you kind of expext to not like whatever they put out, the posters who you kind of expect would gush over any piece of crap they threw out there, and then there's everyone else.

The everyone else are the majority, but the haters and fanboys are the loudest.

The thing is that every U2 song must be heard as loudly as possible and with speakers having good bass set up.

Yes sir, very much so. Actually, to propperly listen to quality music, everything should be high: high quality files or media; high quality soundsystem; and high volume. Otherwise, so much of the sound details and dynamics can become inperceptible. Because of this, judging a song by how it sounds on smartphone or laptop speakers, or even simple earbuds, is absurd... those are inadequate tools to acess the music.
They have been on a couple of radio shows, and that's about it!

Yep and honestly not quite sure who listens to the radio anymore? If the band wanted to even try and make a dent over here they needed to do more than just drop the single and do a handful of interviews, hopefully second single will get better treatment
Yes sir, very much so. Actually, to propperly listen to quality music, everything should be high: high quality files or media; high quality soundsystem; and high volume. Otherwise, so much of the sound details and dynamics can become inperceptible. Because of this, judging a song by how it sounds on smartphone or laptop speakers, or even simple earbuds, is absurd... those are inadequate tools to acess the music.

listen bub, this is interference. we have our own kind of madness, and there's no room for the steve hoffman forum variety!

you do not need a high quality sound system to judge whether music is good or not. there are good ear buds, but i agree that laptop and phone speakers are a shit way to listen to music. good music will sound good on a mediocre system, and dynamics and details can't save a poorly written and arranged song. for instance, best thing is pretty detailed, but the details are poorly integrated. but it's only on youtube, it can only really be judged when i hear the 192/24 flac. until then I have literally no idea what i'm hearing
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The only way to know if you like a song or a movie or a book is for others to tell you if you like it. That's the new rule of life!
nope. the difference in quality of their records recorded with them (or just Eno) compared to what's made without them is so vast that it's basically a different band. I can understand why Eno and Lanois wanted writing credits.

Had the big 3 for No Line On The Horizon and I thought that was their weakest album since October.

U2 deserves more credit (and more blame) for their choices.
Yes sir, very much so. Actually, to propperly listen to quality music, everything should be high: high quality files or media; high quality soundsystem; and high volume. Otherwise, so much of the sound details and dynamics can become inperceptible. Because of this, judging a song by how it sounds on smartphone or laptop speakers, or even simple earbuds, is absurd... those are inadequate tools to acess the music.


The thing is that every U2 song must be heard as loudly as possible and with speakers having good bass set up.

Well then they're doing something wrong because most bands these days, including U2, are (sadly) mastering their records to be heard via earbuds.

The only way to know if you like a song or a movie or a book is for others to tell you if you like it. That's the new rule of life!

No! It's how well the song is doing on the iTunes Rock Charts in Czechoslovakia!
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The song will probably be a sappy surprise hit in the way that Sweetest Thing 98 was. Coincidentally, Ali song as well.
Had the big 3 for No Line On The Horizon and I thought that was their weakest album since October.

U2 deserves more credit (and more blame) for their choices.

Eno and Lanois didn't co-write either of those songs and had nothing to do with the production of Crazy Tonight, Lillywhite was brought in for SUC, and Gaffney for Boots. Lilly's on three of the first four songs too.

Even their weakest songs with Eno and Lanois (and Flood) aren't messy and jarring though.
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