Your Top Ten Movies Of 06

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Hmm...trying to remember...

An Inconvenient Truth
X-Men 3
Talladega Nights
The Nativity Story
Dave Chappelle's Block Party

Still need to see: Jesus Camp, Little Miss Sunshine, Celestine Prophecy
martha said:

Was that this year? That movie was fucking great. Turned me on to the Roots. :dance:

I think it was. I saw it for my bday at the local theater. Yeah I was so excited to see some of my favs on there. My friends and I all cried when Lauryn Hill sang Killing Me Softly. What a touching moment! I hadn't heard that song in ages.
elevation2u said:

yes! For a major picture this movie is pretty underrated but great nonetheless, definitely made my list.

There's another one I totally forgot about...

Inside Man. Great performances, great to see Spike work with a big budget, he kind of turned the heist caper on its ear.

Easily on my Top 10.
Here is my top four

1) Little Miss Sunshine-never did family dysfunction look like such fun. This movie made me laugh and cry. There was not one false performance in this movie. Little Abigail Breslin is such a find as Olive, the wannabe beauty pageant contestant. And Steve Carell deserves an Oscar nomination. He was so good that not once did I see his now iconic Office character, Michael Scott.

2) The Devil Wears Prada-the book was kind of meh for me, but I loved the movie. Meryl Streep is chilling as the brittle fashion editor, Miranda Priestley, but gave her a layer of vulnerability that made her multi-dimensional. Stanley Tucci and Emily Blunt are standouts in supporting roles. And I drooled over the fashion porn. I want Mode's closet. Prada, Gucci, and Chanel. Oh my!

3) The Queen-just give Helen Mirren the Oscar now! Dame Helen gave Queen Elizabeth II a rich humanity that you don't get from seeing her royal highness on the television or in print media. "The Queen" shows how Queen Elizabeth II was able to learn and grow as individual in the wake of Princess Diana's tragic death. And Michael Sheen was amazing as Prime Minister Tony Blair.

4) Dreamgirls-I saw this movie last night. Run, don't walk to your local movie theater to see this. I've always loved musicals, and this is a definite must-see. Stars like Beyonce, Eddie Murphy, and Jamie Foxx are very good, but this is Jennifer Hudson's movie. She is both vulnerable and infuriating as Effie White. She didn't act Effie; she was Effie. When she sang, "And I am Telling You", I got goosebumps, chills, the hair stood up on the back of my neck, and I cried. Everyone in the theater clapped and cheered her on. Furthermore, the art direction and costume design are spot-on.
Thanks for the review of Dreamgirls GG, I have to see that one. The critic in my local paper didn't like it and gave it only 2 out of 4 stars. He basically said the direction was very poor, among other things.

I liked Devil Wears Prada too

What about Hollywoodland, would anyone put that on their top ten list? I have seen it on a few critics' lists.

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