Your Favourite Bono Sayings

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"Do you know who I am? Well I know you are...I probably know you better than you know yourself!" - From Sydney '93

During the ZooTV tour in Dortmund bono is dedicating a song (ISHFWILF) to a teacher, who is at the show, from the school they went to when they were growing up, and he let them make music in their class.

Then he says to all garage bands, and all inspiring musicians to

"Get out there and make some noise. Tell the world to f*ck off!"
You only get disillusioned if you had illusions to began with. I always thought that was very clear, direct and makes a whol-lotta sense too.

Another one I liked, which I'm a bit embarrased to say opened my eyes is during the end of the Boston Elevation Show when he said he had read any article in the Boston Globe regarding Meds getting to Africa, and that (Can't remember the person's name) had said that the African's couldn't get meds because they don't have wrisk watches to tell the time......(meaning when to take it).......they he says "What the F*@!K IS GOING ON!.......I think we should send (So and So) a bunch of wrisk watches. Anyway, were going to be making a lot of noise about this in the coming months"..............and they did. And look how far they've come with the noise they made........
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"Revolution starts at home, in your heart, in your refusal to compromise your beliefs and your values. I'm not interested inpolitics like people fighting back with sticks and stones, but in the politics of love. I think there is nothing more radical than two people's loving each other, because it's so infrequent."

"Peace doesn't exist, it's brought into being."
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"I think I'd like to give a message to the young people of America. And
that is: We shall continue to abuse our position and fuck up the

"We may lose the pop kids, but we don't need them"

"People keep asking what Popmart is all about. Well...I don't fucking know!"
-Toronto, 10/27/97

"If bands stray away from God they seem to lose success"

"Change the world. It's cheaper in the end."
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"I used to try to put out information all the time to try explain where we
were coming I only put out disinformation"

"I went looking for spirit, I found alcohol, I went looking for soul, I bought
some style, I wanted to meet GOD, to sell me religion..."

"It's the sound of four men chopping down The Joshua Tree."

"When I was three I thought the world revolved around me. I was Right!"
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"Is this rock and roll? How the fuck would I know?": Until the End of the World, London, August 11th 1993
"I'm here to kiss Homer Simpson's bottom" - Bono, interview about their part on Simpsons.
"Africa! Africa! Africa!"

Hearing this over the opening notes of Streets gives me chills, every time.
pepokiss said:
I know what times... just 2... SD 1 and 2


Well, hell, I wouldn't think I would need to spell it out, but apparently you need it. Every time I listen to the song, is what I meant.

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