You might be a U2 fan if...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
Okay, just for WildHonee, I'm starting this thread!


  • You go to a local play, and one of the lines happens to be "he has a heavy foot," and you let out a little squeal because you're thinking of Bono talking about Larry and about 15 people in the audience turn to look at you like you're mad.
    Pretty much everything you shop for now, whether it be sunglasses, clothes, sarongs, whatever, you do so with U2 in mind. "Hmm...wonder what Adam would think of this one?" "Oh, that would look GREAT on Bono!" "Hey, that's a cute hat for Edge!"

    Your only REAL goal for to get into the heart. Still 3 months away.


Hey that should be a new thread. Yknow how Jeff Foxworthy's whole thing is 'you might be a redneck if...'
1) You wish someone a nice day and they say "You too" and your eyes bug out and you say "WHERE!!?" (That actually happened to me in Calgary before the concert)
2)You start to pick your classes around the tour schedule (ie, no night time labs or late friday classes in case you can get to a weekend concert early)
3)Your mother refuses to let you come with her into the produce aisle of the supermarket because you play with the lemons a little too vigorously.
4)You named your car "The Joshua Car"
5)You go to movies because you know that U2 was on the soundtrack (Tomb Raider anyone?)
6) You dye your blond hair "Bono black"
7) No one can tell you "it's alright" with out you singing "it's alright, aaaallright!" under your breath and shaking your hips a little
8) You wanted to paint your whole livingroom a pale green color because it's called "Joshua Tree"
9) You covet a bedazzler.
10) You wear small black beanies when it's hot out.
11) When ever you don't know what to say in your english class, you say the work that you are studying is "A musical Journey"
12) You do U2 kareoke and you add in all the little live parts to the songs (ie., play it Edge!, ANNNND WE"L SHINE LIKE STARS IN THE SUMMER NIGHT!, and Do you hear me coming love?).
13) You do U2 kareoke and you do Bono's little dances to the songs (ie, the Macphisto flamenco dance from lemon)
14) You shop for number shirts
15) You collect spoons, you don't know why.
16) You have tried to play U2 songs with your phone buttons.
17) Your friends call you by one of the band's names (Hi Bono, how was your american lit. final?)
18) You have named one of your pets after the band
19) You have considered legally changing your last name to Evans, Clayton, Mullen, or Hewson.
20) You know that it's all about the drums.
-Bluey of Doom

"Yeah, Bono's a nice bunch of guys" - The Edge.
Originally posted by blueeyes:
1) You wish someone a nice day and they say "You too" and your eyes bug out and you say "WHERE!!?" (That actually happened to me in Calgary before the concert)

3)Your mother refuses to let you come with her into the produce aisle of the supermarket because you play with the lemons a little too vigorously.

I always do that in #1. Never fondled lemons though.....

"I'd like to thank you for letting me rub up against you!" ~Bono~

"I can't change the world
But I can change the world in me"
I see myself in alot of them.

1) I went with a friend to see the new film A Knights Tale.The song The Boys Are Back In Town comes on and I start both laughing and making strange choked squeeking noises because that was the song that was on just before U2 can on stage when I was at Slane the week before.

2) No one dare say anything to me for fear it will make me think of U2.

3) I have started buying lots of pairs of sunglases including some essential Fly Shades and some like Bono's blue pair that he also has in red now but they are a different colour.

4) I am trying to deside what sort of U2 tattoo I should get.
Bluey---jesus girl, you need to quit school and become a comedian. Seriously.

Yes, I too find myself doing some of the things you have mentioned. Today my roommates and I were shopping, and I had to get some lemon juice. They were giving me strange looks like--oh god, not the lemons (I have my inflatable PopMart Lemon hanging in our living room--it's fabulous). They secretly adore it, I'm sure.

OMG!!!!!! I was going back in PLEBA time to find the thread with jonny depp pics for a friend -- and here is my thread!!!!!! Well it's not mine but it was my idea and then I never started it. Disco!!!! Why didn't you tell me?! Where WAS I that day?

Bluey I love yours!!!!!

You might be a U2 fan if
1. Your freinds are fully used to you doing a double take every time a 40 yr old in shades walks by
2. you agree to watch football with your significant other / brother / male friend just to pretend you're watching the Stuck video

bah! I know we can come up with more!!!!!!

"I'd like to thank you for letting me rub up against you!" ~Bono~

"I can't change the world
But I can change the world in me"
You might be a U2 fan when:

1) you as soon as you write the word zoo writes it with capital Z = Zoo, because for you it's a name.

2) you actually are considiring buying a car just because the licenseplate has POP. (in sweden the plate follows the car and the plate has first three letters and then three numbers, just for an explanation)

3) you almost run into the store and buys the eveningpaper because the headnews has 112 written on the front but with a font that makes it look like U2 from a distance. (112 was the number of camps they had checked for the summerholiday)

Hmm... will se if I can come up with more...

"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono

"That's ok, in Sweden we don't wear underpants" ~ Bono, June 11th -92, Stockholm, Globen

"The only thing louder then a U2 gig is the people who comes to a U2 gig" ~Bono friends in high school used to call me Bono...*sigh* the good old days

My friends now just think I'm a freak! I tell's an obsession, but it only borders on a sickness
hee hee... i can definitely relate to most of these! always the "you, too!" gets to me. here are a couple more:

-Every time a U2 song comes on in a bar, all of your friends turn to you and say "It's U2!" (come on, it's not like you didn't know that!)

- When walking in Dublin (the night after the Slane concert), one of your friends stops to pick something up off the ground. She runs up, holding a small object in her hand, and says "Hey, look what I found!" Your immediate reaction is "What? An Edge pick???" (This is no joke- I honestly did this. It turned out to be a pound. WAAAAAY too much time in the heart, I tell ya!)
You can be flippin thru come across the "military plane" channel and you can quickly identify the U2 spy plane, when 0.9 seconds after it comes on the screen!!! And you yell excitedly.....It's the U2 plane!!!!

You are watching a movie on the Indie channel (an Irish movie) and you see Rotunda Hospital and yell, LOOK it's Bono's hospital!!! He was born there!!!!!
My friends look at me like I'm nuts!!!

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

OMG...I can't believe I forgot about this...

Did anyone every watch Quantum Leap?
Well, there was an episode where Al was telling Sam about how in so many days the U2 would be shot down. and Sam says "The rock group?"

I giggled for 10 minutes over that the first time I saw it.
Originally posted by blueeyes:
1) You wish someone a nice day and they say "You too" and your eyes bug out and you say "WHERE!!?" (That actually happened to me in Calgary before the concert)

16) You have tried to play U2 songs with your phone buttons.

1. Happens ALL THE TIME.

16. I just played WOWY! Try it!
You ARE a fan..... if after the tour announcement today you have hagled,annoyed,bossed,begged pleaded ...... (you get the idea )

every friend you have into going to one if not several more U2 shows with you....

Oh by the way ...I have one for sure on South Bend and a solid maybe on Austin,Tx.....I've never been there so I'm very excited!!!!!!!

I'm just a singer,some say a sinner.Rolling the dice,not always a winner.
You say I've been lucky,well hell I've made my own.
Not part of the crowd,but not feeling alone.

----Two Shots of Happy One Shot of Sad-----

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