you know what's really comfy?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 16, 2001
the ether
is having your socks pulled alllll the way up on your legs. so much more comfy than the 'cool' way of having them all bunched up around your ankles.
this is why i can never wear shorts in public, because i would be ridiculed. i'm tellin' ya only me and the players of the nba realize the value in having your socks pulled up.

bottom line: U2 rules.
No, no, no, ya got it all wrong! The bunched up style is sooo over! The new style is the "I'm not wearing any socks at all" style.
my favorite comfy is getting into a bed with cold sheets and writhing around until they are warmed up and all bunched up perfectly.

Also, having my boyfriend and our cats in the bed is pretty nice too
Wearing no socks?!?!?!?

The bottom line is you need your socks, without socks you get cold, its my theory you will always be warm if u got your socks

And if you look, you look through me.

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