Would you rather

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If this is barefoot then probably a piece of glass.

Would you rather eat nothing but rock for a year (not the outdoor, on the floor sort, the sweet, multicoloured crap) or have 20 of your teeth removed w/o anaethetic (sp?)
Well, if i ate rock for a year, i think the whole tooth removal thing would take care of itself.

But ill take my chances and eat the rock...or just swallow them whole.

WYR drive a Lambrogini (sp) or a Delorean.
:drool: :drool:
Hockey, I assume when you say football you mean the sort I don't understand :wink: Not "soccer".

Would you rather fail life or have someone close to you have a terminal illness?
I'll fail life just for them..

wyr face your phobia or fear (whatever it may be) or live your life always trying to avoid doing it/coming into contact with it?

Sorry if thats a bit confusing since I'm not being specific :)
I am a face it head on type of person.
I had a fear of knives/scissors since i was 13 when a man came into my house and
held a pair of scissors up to my throat and threatened to kill me.
For 20 years i couldn't use knives, but at 33 realized i couldn't keep going through life like that,
so one day i just picked up a butcher knife and screamed at it to leave me alone.
Thats pretty much how i handle everything to this day.

I am all better now. :shifty:
True story.

Back to the game:

WYR lose your electricity or your water for a month.

Electricity :up: We didn't have water for a few days recently and I don't think I'd last a month.

Would you rather lose your virginity to a rapist, or not at all?
Wow you've been through a lot night_and_day66!

I would rather be Steven Tyler.. better hair :lol: and who wouldn't want to collaborate with Run Dmc?

Wyr travel by plane or by boat during a storm?
I'm going to say brain :| but I really wouldn't want to eat either, but brain > cock so :shrug:

Would you rather have one leg or be coated in thick black hair (which cannot be removed)?
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