Why is Bono so cool?

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i think bono is a perfect example of 'je ne sais quoi'. who else could transform himself from the outspoken bleeding heart liberal of the JT era into macphisto/the fly/mirrorball man into a rock star who hangs out with politicians on a regular basis--all the while maintaining his ultra-cool status?

at the risk of gushing, he's charming, articulate, exuberantly passionate. the man is extremely insightful and intelligent, but expresses himself without being stuffy or condescending. it seems to me that bono is comfortable in his own skin, and has a healthy sense of self. he's got an ego the size of the universe but his heart is even bigger.

it also doesn't hurt that he's a bit of an eccentric and the way he speaks about his love for ali.

bono is the ultimate rock star--larger than life but still deeply human in a way that so many of us can relate to.

...or maybe it's just the sunglasses. who knows?
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Ok, apparently I'm a hopeless case, but what the hell is it with Bono and the sunglasses? Only people I know who wear sunglasses ALL the time are stoners, and he's not supposed to be a stoner...so does he just think it's cool? :huh:
dandy I think your post is great; I couldn't put it into words but you definitely could!! :)
The Edge is by far the coolest. I wonder if he will ever change the beanie and wear something else?
Dalton[/i] Do people really still say "stoner"?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by beli said:

Be quiet you young whipper snapper you and answer the question! :wink:

Well, us middle aged flower children/old hippies do. ;)

And answer the question! :wink:
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The sunglasses are Bono's trademark. Just like white powder under the nose brings about images of Bobby Brown, a loose breast signals Janet Jackson, wife dancing on Trans Am equals Whitesnake.

Seriously, if I had just a fraction of B-mans coolness I'd be the stud of my state:) Its absolutely incredible how he can hold orphans in his hands one week, and then turn around and be chillin with Jay Z the next. There will never be another Bono, period.
Bono is so cool that he sometimes looks uncool. He's over the top to the point of pretenious, but he has a heart of gold and he works a leather jacket and blue sunglasses like no other. He's a true rockstar.
Bono has said his sunglasses protect himself from the world. I think a lot of how he comes off is very ironic. Americans don't get irony, thus a lot see him as pretentious and a megalomaniac. If he was such things, he wouldn't be in the same band of 4 for 25 years, with the same wife, or a selfless giver of his time(and money?).

Oh, and Bono is so cool because he just is. You can't explain cool. You either are or you aren't. :wink:
I've always thought that Bono has gotta be one of the most charismatic people on the whole planet - which is why it is very good that he uses his powers for good instead of evil ;)
hes the man because he can go out to a club with other rock stars half his age and drink them under the table, be the last one at the place to leave, and while they are all waking up with a hangover he is giving a speech on the AIDS crisis.
When I told my Dad I was dressing up as Bono for Halloween in 2005, he said,

"Wait a second, isn't Bono really short?"

"Yeah, Dad - like 5 foot 7."

"And you're 6 foot."

"So? That's not the point! It's not like I'm gonna be standing next to the guy."

-Miggy D

This is what I'm always trying to explain to my friends.

When you watch U2 in concert, it doesn't matter how talented you think The Edge is, or how sexy you think Larry is or how cool you think Adam is, you just can't keep your eyes off Bono. He is mesmerising.

Also the whole 'drag some girl on stage thing' If it happened to me I would surley throw up or wet myself. Yet every time he does it I find myself muttering bitch, in jealousy of the lucky cow
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Bono is cool because he is Bono if i was Bono i'd be cooler than myself because i'd be Bono so just to say it if i wasnt me i'd consider being Bono btw Bono rocks :wink:
He's cool because he's got the walk. That confident, head up, Napolean strut that suggests he knows where he's going, but questioning every destination. He's called himself the blind ambition of the group, and that's a perfect description.

He's suave in his manner of speaking. He mixes methaphors with everyday speech, so as to make every social encounter meaningful and poetic. That goes a long way. That in itself is cool without the 'walk'.

He's generous and sensitive, while presenting himself as a man of principle. He stands for beliefs where others adapt to the status quo. If he were just another guy, he might be called a wuss or a wimp, but then before you know where you stand with him, he'll question your whole life and break a bottle against your head. ;) That passion/control makes him appear more cool than 99% of humanity.

Without the confidence seen in his lyrics and stage antics, he'd be another wannabe, a souless, generic copy of every other 'rock star". He IS THE Rock Star.

As for the glasses: My guess is that he's found the perfect trademark for an aging rocker. It conceals the wrinkles around his eyes, while looking appropriate.
indra said:
Ok, apparently I'm a hopeless case, but what the hell is it with Bono and the sunglasses? Only people I know who wear sunglasses ALL the time are stoners, and he's not supposed to be a stoner...so does he just think it's cool? :huh:

I must be a stoner....well half the time anyway.
MiggyD, that is just too funny:laugh: I once tried to dress/look like Bono and I'm a girl! But some people got it, 'cos they know my obsession.

Moysie, I know the feeling! Thinking about the upcoming tour has me thinking: if I lose like fifty pounds and die my hair blonde, maybe I have a chance to be pulled onstage, but then I don't look young either, so...
But ya gotta envy those lucky bi-- girls! I would probably sob or do something so horribly embarrassing if it was me though. Just the thought gives me shivers...:drool:
"Why is Bono cool?" -- well, it's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?
For me, there's no simple answer - and that's what I'd expect from such a complex creature.

He's seen as a desirable object by millions of women & uses it to his advantage, yet has never been known to have strayed outside his marriage in 23+ years. That's :cool:

He understands how cliche "Rock & Roll can save the World!" is, but he's never given up on that concept in 25+ years. That's :cool:

He doesn't attend any church on a regular basis, but that hasn't stopped him from having a strong faith and trying to be the best human he can be. That's :cool:

Finally, I'm sure that while he doesn't surround himself with "yes" people, there are plenty of folks with their lips at the ready to place them on his arse & tell him how he's the greatest single thing in the entire universe. Yet when you talk to him, what comes across is a humble man, fully aware of his shortcomings, who's actually thankful to US! for providing him the life he's dreamed of. And that is waaayy :cool:

(Nevermind the fact he can work a pair of leather pants and the stage like nobody else's business!!! :censored: :lol: )
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Bono is coolest.
Then Adam, I dunno, but he's just incredibly cool.
Then Larry.

Sorry Edge.


Bono is the coolest rockstar ever. Jim Morrison and John Lennon comes second and third.
bono is a superhero. we know he's got a secret identity, he regularly saves the world, has special powers, operates outside of the system to battle evil wherever he sees it.

seriously. he's always talked about "full-on Bono." he's got a costume and special glasses to mask his secret identity. he's got a costume that involves a very expensive, yet slimming, leather jacket. when the music plays he can move mountains and leap tall buildings in a single bound.

superhero. through and through.

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