i'm repeating a bunch of stuff other people said...
JOFO said:
I'm not naming any names, but there are some people who are constantly posting in FYM or Lemonade Stand, and NEVER post anything about the music.
I mean, there's a thread right now that U2 actually responded to us, and some people haven't even posted on that. I wonder if they even know there is a new tune out?
Don't get me wrong, the other forums are great, but this is a U2 forum right? Doesn't the music come first?
let me ask you a question: are you one of the people who IMed me to ask why i didn't like u2?
there are a bunch of reasons i don't usually post in the u2-related threads.
1. i've been a little burned out. i don't understand how some people can listen to primarily u2 and still be fans after being a fan for 18 years, because i've only really been a fan for about 3, and i couldn't take it after a year and a half.
2. i don't feel like i need to prove myself as a fan. i'm here, aren't i? if i didn't like the band, i wouldn't bother to post at all. i don't think it will make me any more of a fan if i sit around debating the potential meaning behind the numbers on edge's shirts during the elevation tour, or picking out subtle points on boy where you can tell that bono had a cold during recording.
3. whenever i post on a board pertaining to one band, i tend to get really sick of the people who constantly post about that particular band, and don't talk about anything else. i've said plenty about how much i love 'vertigo', but it's been either to friends off interference, or to interferencers in places i post (like u2popmofo's thread on the song in B&C, or randooooom, or whereever else it's come up). i don't want to wade through countless "i loooooove u the edge plz come to _____!!!!!!!!" in order to say what i want to say. quit sucking up, already!
4. u2 aren't my favorite band. well, sometimes they are, and whenever i'm listening to them, they definetly are. but sometimes they aren't--like when i'm listening to something else--and there are people here who like a lot of my other favorite bands (plus i've got this wierd notion that some of them will like some of those bands, but they just haven't heard them yet), and while those other bands are my favorites, i don't want to post in the forums pertaining to them for the same reasons i stated in 1,2,3 and 5.
5. i don't feel like re-hashing my thoughts on those few same topics that come up every couple months. like ATYCLB vs. pop stuff. no, i could still post in other threads, leaving those for the legion of the obsessed to argue...but i'm not like that. i'm an opinionated jackass, and i don't like to shut up.