Which new songs won't be played live?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 9, 2004
SF Bay Area, California, USA
Adam Clayton said in his U2.com interview that the band is looking forward to playing "9 or 10" of the new songs on tour, including "Yahweh." So, what do you guys think they'll leave out? I think it's safe to say that the following are locks:

1) Vertigo (obviously)
2) Sometimes (best U2 song since 'One')
3) Miracle Drug (they've been playing it live already)
4) Love and Peace or Else (this is a bit more iffy than 1-3, but I think it's still a safe bet, since it's so overtly political and timely)
5) City of Blinding Lights (playing it live already)
6) All Because of You (a confirmed single)
7) Original of the Species (one of Bono's two favorites on the album, along with "Sometimes")
8) Yahweh (Adam said they'll play it)

So, that leaves "One Step Closer" and "Man and a Woman" and "Crumbs" on the chopping block. Personally I hope they play "One Step Closer," because I think it's one of Bono's best lyrics ever, and it would segue perfectly into "Streets."
They have said they will be playing 9 or 10 songs per show off the new album, and I am sure they will try each and every song on the album live.
I think we'll get 10.5 out of the 11, with half of One Step at the end of middle of one of the older songs.
I'm hoping we'll also get to hear Fast cars!
AND I'm crazy enough to think we may yet get to hear Mercy live, but I am insane.
The Hands That Built America will definitely be played as it has appeared already. Electrical Storm is also likely.

Crumbs From Your Table is a fair bet due to Bono's political interests and I can foresee A Man And A Woman in the acoustic set, replacing Desire as the full band song. That leaves out One Step Closer, which doesn't sound like it is really a live song anyway and if it does appear, it will only be as a snippet before or after another song.

I highly doubt Fast Cars will be played, though precedent does say that bonus tracks do appear (Holy Joe [Pop bonus in Japan] was played once and The Ground Beneath Her Feet [ATYCLB bonus in UK, Japan, and Australia] was played 31 times, sometimes at promo gigs).
I think they will play everything, but if I must choose one song NOT to be played, it would be CFYT
Well I think all the songs they played on the promo tour will be played, so that's 6 songs right there, and Adam mentioned Yahweh.

That leaves Love and peace, Man and woman, Crumbs and One step closer.

I think A man and woman might be skipped, possibly One step closer will be a snippet.
I think they WILL play CFYT because they do it on the DVD that came out w/ the new CD. It is wonderful live - sounds a lot more rockier than the polished version on the CD.

I think AMAAW would be the odd "man" out :wink: sorry I couldn't resist
LyricalDrug said:

Personally I hope they play "One Step Closer," because I think it's one of Bono's best lyrics ever, and it would segue perfectly into "Streets."

OSC is such a beautiful song they would leave it out, wouldn't they? I would chop the head off "Original". OSC is the perfect segue into "Streets"; absolutely.
AMAAW shouldn't be played. But everything else will be ABSOLUTELY amazing in concert.

City of Blinding Lights will be incredible. God, I can't wait to hear that song live. It might put Streets to shame.:reject: :drool: :drool:
Omg... Mercy live?
I didn't even think of the possibility.
That would be a highlight.
one step closer should be performed like desire on elevation tour.
crumbs MUST be played.
a man and a......i don't even want to write the complete title of this song.
LyricalDrug said:
Adam Clayton said in his U2.com interview that the band is looking forward to playing "9 or 10" of the new songs on tour, including "Yahweh." So, what do you guys think they'll leave out? I think it's safe to say that the following are locks:

1) Vertigo (obviously)
2) Sometimes (best U2 song since 'One')
3) Miracle Drug (they've been playing it live already)
4) Love and Peace or Else (this is a bit more iffy than 1-3, but I think it's still a safe bet, since it's so overtly political and timely)
5) City of Blinding Lights (playing it live already)
6) All Because of You (a confirmed single)
7) Original of the Species (one of Bono's two favorites on the album, along with "Sometimes")
8) Yahweh (Adam said they'll play it)

So, that leaves "One Step Closer" and "Man and a Woman" and "Crumbs" on the chopping block. Personally I hope they play "One Step Closer," because I think it's one of Bono's best lyrics ever, and it would segue perfectly into "Streets."

Crumbs won't be on the chopping block since they've already played it live on the bonus DVD. That song is playable. I agree with you and Clayton said that Yahweh will make it. The rest have already been played live in one form or another.

So the chopping block songs will be "One Step Closer", "A Man And A Woman" and "Love And Peace." Since Clayton loves "AMAAW" that song will probably make it live. "OSC" and "LAPOE" have too many synthesizers and effects going on to be good live tracks so my guess is that it will be those two songs that will get the axe.


Re: Re: Which new songs won't be played live?

jick said:

"LAPOE" have too many synthesizers and effects going on to be good live tracks so my guess is that it will be those two songs that will get the axe.


You're an idiot! :mad:

LAPOE will be great live because the lack of syntho will allow the kick-ass bass and guitar parts to kick-even-more-ass. Bono better dust off the old harmonica for the intro (that would be freakin' awesome! :drool:).

AMAAW :barf: should get the cut because it sucks and I hate it.
I wouldn't mind hearing OSC or Fast Cars.

Too bad it won't happen. :(
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FOr some reason I can't imagine them dropping LAPOE, just because it's probably the hardest rocking song on the album, and they rarely leave the super-hard rockers off their live lists.

Maybe they'll just play the whole album!

Axver said:
The Hands That Built America will definitely be played as it has appeared already.

I sure hope not.
I don't see AMAAW being played, it could make a nice acoustic, but I'd definitely choose other songs better than that one in this tour.
and don't get me wrong, I love AMAAW

but I LOVE even more that "One Step Closer --> Streets" idea :drool: :drool: :drool:

I think they'll play them all. Well the 11. I don't think they'll do Fast Cars/Xanax And Wine. I think One Step Closer would be amazing as an extra verse to Bad. Bad with All I Want Is You and One Step Closer, finishing off with the "let it go and so to fade away... I'm wide awake, I'm not sleeping." :drool:
Perhaps One Step Closer, AMAAW and/or Yahweh :shrug:
some of them will probably be played slightly - integrated into the ends of One/Streets/Bad/SBS
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