When will the album leak? Part 2.

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If reviewers are starting to receive their copies today, then that one report from last month that said U2.com would stream the album starting on the 15th would make some sense if the purpose is to counteract a leak.

HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD ABOUT THIS??? :hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
If reviewers are starting to receive their copies today, then that one report from last month that said U2.com would stream the album starting on the 15th would make some sense if the purpose is to counteract a leak.

:hyper: thats SUNDAY!...I hope that report is right..:hyper::hyper::hyper:
I still find that tidbit soo hard to believe. As I recall, it was up to interpretation whether the guy was simply reporting the date of the lift on the review embargo.

But I certainly hope so.
If reviewers are starting to receive their copies today, then that one report from last month that said U2.com would stream the album starting on the 15th would make some sense if the purpose is to counteract a leak.

WTF! Where did you hear this?
HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD ABOUT THIS??? :hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:

It was just one report from last month, from u2france or some place like that. No one else reported it, and none of us know how accurate, if at all, it was. I'm just saying...since the date in that one report is the 15th, it would make sense...if they were to start streaming it right after reviewers got their copies, to counteract a leak.
WTF! Where did you hear this?

As I recall, some reviewer from way back mentioned that in 2/3 weeks from the date of the review (can't remember the dates), U2.com would stream the album and the review embargo would be lifted.

It was in German or something though, and there were translation scuffles over the exact meaning. Some thought they were just giving the estimated date for real reviews coming in.

Did I get that right?
As I recall, some reviewer from way back mentioned that in 2/3 weeks from the date of the review (can't remember the dates), U2.com would stream the album and the review embargo would be lifted.

It was in German or something though, and there were translation scuffles over the exact meaning. Some thought they were just giving the estimated date for real reviews coming in.

Did I get that right?

:hmm: Anyone here speak fluent German?
It was just one report from last month, from u2france or some place like that. No one else reported it, and none of us know how accurate, if at all, it was. I'm just saying...since the date in that one report is the 15th, it would make sense...if they were to start streaming it right after reviewers got their copies, to counteract a leak.

Well I really hope who ever said that is right..plus you have to think U2.com will start streaming some parts of the album soon right?..I mean they are U2's official site..they have to give us something..right?..:huh:...:|
Well I really hope who ever said that is right..plus you have to think U2.com will start streaming some parts of the album soon right?..I mean they are U2's official site..they have to give us something..right?..:huh:...:|

U2.com doesn't have to do anything. Besides, why start now?
Yeah...It's giving me something called a "MySQL Fatal Error." This isn't the usual "500 Internal Server Error" message we've gotten before. What's up? :hmm:

Universal's goons murdered the administrators.

Leaking NLOTH was indeed a fatal error.
MySQL fatal error one means that the disk the website's database is hosted on simply ran out of space.
nothing from my source. i think the bastard has a copy thats why he's been acting distant. damn! I need to work at a production house.
I didn't mean to get everyone's hopes up, I was just speculating about that one small blurb and the fact that the review copies are out.

I really hope it leaks tomorrow or Saturday though. I can't take much more of this.
I didn't mean to get everyone's hopes up, I was just speculating about that one small blurb and the fact that the review copies are out.

I really hope it leaks tomorrow or Saturday though. I can't take much more of this.

No worries:)..we all want it to leak ASAP!..and when it does we shall all be doing this emote..

:drool:..and this one :hyper:
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