When will the album leak? Part 2.

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I think there does come a point when you can take something like this too seriously. At the end of the day it is just some songs and they'll always be there later. When it starts getting in the way of work or responsibilities I think it's time to give it a rest.

Not pointing any fingers here.

agree, though I think people are just really excited. We have been waiting over 4 years and it'd be really cool to be one of the first people in the world to hear the album, just like my friend was one of the first people to realize you could buy Boots on iTunes while we were all waiting for the radio premiere :D

but yeah, don't let it interfere with your life to an extreme. I think I went a little nuts yesterday :crazy:

as for ybab gnuthca ... seriously? We're all diehards, I bet everyone here has either pre-ordered the album or is already committed to buying it just because it's U2. Will it really offend you that much if we listen to it a little early? We're just excited, is that such a bad thing?
Oh my...the first part of the 45-second clip of Fez-Being Born sounds positively Sigur Ros-esque. Who would've thunk it? :drool:
I'm starting to hope this doesn't leak. Seeing all these dogs greedily awaiting their bone to be thrown at them makes me sick.

Well I have the pre ordered the limited Edition off I Tunes and I will buy most, if not all physical copies of the album...so I don't think I'm being greedy in wanting the thing to leak.
I think we are just all hungry U2 fans who have been waiting 4 years for a new album...and we would love to hear it...we need our U2 drug...we are in with drawl..lol..well that is how I feel anyway.:D
It feels like every other thought I have is interrupted by "LEAK DAMNIT MUST HEAR NLOTH". Time is moving in slow motion for me. :reject:
Well I'm not totally obsessed with NLOTH leaking ,I can still get my work done.
But I am here every night now checking...and obviously contributing to the discussions...it is an exciting time,and I want to be here when it happens :)...so thank god next week I have the week off..me hopes it leaks between now and then..more time to savor the music..hehe ;)
I wish I could make a post like this and make believe I found it: :sad:

:dance: It leaked!! :dance:

BUT I CAN'T :scream:
I wish I could make a post like this and make believe I found it: :sad:

:dance: It leaked!! :dance:

BUT I CAN'T :scream:

Oh well, maybe tomorrow. Personally, I'm happy if it leaks over the next few days, as I have a long weekend! :D

EDIT: Here's the latest from FarBeat: The admin put NLOTH on the "main page", which generally means that an album has leaked. However, the album is not there...only the 5:30 preview, GOYB, and NLOTH2. Still, the fact that they put the album on the main page could mean something...keep your eyes on this place, Interferers.
OMG! We have confirmation (via Telegraph.co.uk) that review copies have been shipped! It's only a matter of time now, guys! :hyper:
Whoops! Browser Settings Incompatible

EDIT: Why does it say "Browser Settings Incompatible?" If it won't work for you, the URL is http://b l o g s .telegraph.co.uk/neil_mccormick/blog/2009/02/12/u2_no_line_on_the_horizon__ready_for_lift_off (Remove spaces in "blogs".)
OMG! We have confirmation (via Telegraph.co.uk) that review copies have been shipped! It's only a matter of time now, guys! :hyper:
Whoops! Browser Settings Incompatible

EDIT: Why does it say "Browser Settings Incompatible?" If it won't work for you, the URL is http://b l o g s .telegraph.co.uk/neil_mccormick/blog/2009/02/12/u2_no_line_on_the_horizon__ready_for_lift_off (Remove spaces in "blogs".)

:hyper: Monday then! For a review, I mean, not a leak. :D
Of course, if there's not a leak by Monday, Interference will completely freaking collapse under the force of a million metric tons of pure anticipation. :combust:

I bet it will leak by next week, though. If there are copies out there, then someone is likely to leak it. Which would prevent the implosion of Interference.
Nice!:up: here's hoping..:)

I'm still holding out hope it comes out this weekend..but next week would be fine..

Pleeeease let it be on my week off next week...that is all I want...oh U2 leak gods hear my prayers:reject::wink:
Artdirector, if you're reading the thread, does your source have any new info? Just wondering. :D
"But I can tell you that I have been talking to other early recipients of the record on my travels, and the enthusiasm for it is mighty."


If any of those "early recipients" happen to be scanning this thread, could you please do Inteference the favor of LEAKIN' THAT BIYOTCH? You will be remembered in song and story forevermore. Thank you. :wave:
If reviewers are starting to receive their copies today, then that one report from last month that said U2.com would stream the album starting on the 15th would make some sense if the purpose is to counteract a leak.
If any of those "early recipients" happen to be scanning this thread, could you please do Inteference the favor of LEAKIN' THAT BIYOTCH? You will be remembered in song and story forevermore. Thank you. :wave:

You would be our hero..and that person too..:)

Everyone think leaky thoughts...:huh:
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