What they ALMOST did for the "Vertigo" video!

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It would've been a better video than what we got.

Generally speaking, I prefer conceptual videos to performance videos.

But if they are going to make a performance video, they should stop overriding the performance with gimmicks like riding around NYC on the back of a truck or playing in the middle of a computer-generated sandstorm. They're just not neccessary. If they're going to make a performance video, then really FOCUS on the performance. Make it look like studio recording footage. Get closeups of the singer singing into the microphone. Get closeups of the musicians' faces as they play the song. Get closeups of the guitarist's hands on the fretboard. Have the band sit/stand in a circle, close to each other, free of all gimmickry, and play the song. Like in Corbin's 'One' video, the story is interspersed with the band standing in a circle in a studio playing the song. That was a great example of performance video. Or the recent 'Hands That Built America Video' - the one on the Best Of 1990-2000 DVD. The band is just sitting in a circle playing the song. That was a great performance video. Or the end of the 'Please' video during Edge's solo where it shows the band performing. That was great. The point is, if you're going to do a performance video, then FOCUS on the performance instead of distracting the viewer from it with unneccessary gimmickry.
namkcuR said:
It would've been a better video than what we got.

Generally speaking, I prefer conceptual videos to performance videos.

But if they are going to make a performance video, they should stop overriding the performance with gimmicks like riding around NYC on the back of a truck or playing in the middle of a computer-generated sandstorm. They're just not neccessary. If they're going to make a performance video, then really FOCUS on the performance. Make it look like studio recording footage. Get closeups of the singer singing into the microphone. Get closeups of the musicians' faces as they play the song. Get closeups of the guitarist's hands on the fretboard. Have the band sit/stand in a circle, close to each other, free of all gimmickry, and play the song. Like in Corbin's 'One' video, the story is interspersed with the band standing in a circle in a studio playing the song. That was a great example of performance video. Or the recent 'Hands That Built America Video' - the one on the Best Of 1990-2000 DVD. The band is just sitting in a circle playing the song. That was a great performance video. Or the end of the 'Please' video during Edge's solo where it shows the band performing. That was great. The point is, if you're going to do a performance video, then FOCUS on the performance instead of distracting the viewer from it with unneccessary gimmickry.

I agree with a lot of the sentiment there unfortunately the MTV viewers are rather like small children and need bright lights and pretty colours to keep them interested.
namkcuR said:
It would've been a better video than what we got.

Generally speaking, I prefer conceptual videos to performance videos.

But if they are going to make a performance video, they should stop overriding the performance with gimmicks...[snip] The point is, if you're going to do a performance video, then FOCUS on the performance instead of distracting the viewer from it with unneccessary gimmickry.
i totally agree. i think that's the problem with a lot of music videos and movies out there these days. they've got a huge budget and you can't even really tell how the money was spent. so many music videos have special effects for the sake of having special effects. like it would be boring otherwise.

performance videos can be kind of boring and repetitive (oh, look, ANOTHER video of the band miming the song!) and we got overkill in the early 80s when bands and video directors didn't know what else to do other than throw up a white backdrop and have the band mime the song. but a lot of the videos out these days are just as cheesy, they just cost millions to make instead of a few thousand. to me that's a horrible waste of money.
Am I the only one who was disappointed by the Streets video? I really wanted to see just the song and them performing it, not a bunch of police in LA and commentators talking over the music. =/ Or maybe we are talking about a different video, the real one I've always held out hope for?

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