What the Bleep do we know?

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i saw a brief thing about it on cnn today. i want to see it :up:

quantum physics :drool:
astronomy :drool:
science :drool:
Fascinating, I would also recomend the NOVA program "The Elegant Universe" based off the book by Brian Greene.

That deals more with Superstring theory but it does so without the mathematics, a good base that covers most things quite well, GR and QM included.
nbcrusader said:
From what I read about this movie, it takes complex concepts in physics and makes them understandable. :up:

yeah, its really cool. Marlee Matlin is the actress that is questioning her life and existance. and it is very understandable. our church went as a group outing last night and it was really fun especially since alot of the concepts are what we practice, i.e. the oneness of everyone, etc.

i give it :up: :up: :up:
I saw it. There was nothing new in it for me (just because I've been interested in quantum physics for a long time) and the way it was done sort've irritated me--I thought it was kind of cheesy. Yet it was an impressive amount of information and theories all in one place. All in all I would recommend it, especially if you are new to quantum physics.
I just saw it, what a piece of utter tripe, if you were to read one chapter in a high school physics book then mix it with a bunch of pseudoscientific bollocks and cultish metaphysics I think that this would be the result.

The bloody Ramtha cult goons and positive thinking make your own reality nonsense, jeez. I stand by my prior recomendation watch the Nova documentary The Elegant Universe instead, or better yet read the book.

Pseudoscientific docu-drama really makes for some great laughs, it is not science it is new agey fashionable nonsense.

More science less nonsense!
A_Wanderer said:
Fascinating, I would also recomend the NOVA program "The Elegant Universe" based off the book by Brian Greene.

Brian Greene :hyper:
I can't wait for the library to get his latest book, dying to read it.

What the Bleep Do We Know did really well at the theater I work near, but it looked like it would annoy me since I've been interested in this stuff for years, (nothing new, like joyfulgirl said) so I haven't seen it.
i personally did not liekt he movie, the concept however is quite fascianting but the way they did the movie was horrible!!!! Cheesy acting, and even worse cheesy animation in a sorry attempt to be funny. They should have stuck with commentary.

Waking Life, that i recommend :up:

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