What Are Planning To Do Part V?

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Yeah, it's just my college campus is totally not prepared for this...c'mon, guys, hurricane-proof windows!

On second thought, eating is a yes. It's oreo time. Again.
I don't have any. This would be so much easier if I was at home or able to travel away...or didn't have orientation...

:yes: Kinda need them at this point...
Awwww... Well I will keep you in my thoughts and I'm sure you will be fine. You've got others in the dorm to hang with? The school isn't doing anything to keep you all safe or evacuate you somewhere safer?
Yeah there are other people, I'm just worried for them too...they probably don't think it's a big issue, but seriously, global warming breeds mutant freak storms. I have no idea what'll happen.

Gonna go to sleep and eat and watch Red Rocks. Something like that.
1. Listen to a few more albums on Myspace Music, which I have become addicted to
2. Practice the clarinet
3. Go do my demo program for band
4. Host a sleepover!

...but not all at once, of course
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