What album did you just listen to from start to finish - Part VI

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Blue Crack Supplier
Jun 19, 2001
Bob Dylan - World Gone Wrong
All from yesterday:

Outkast - Stankonia
Mos Def - The Ecstatic
Otis Redding - Otis Blue
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
The Black Keys - Brothers
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (x2)
Memory Tapes - Seek Magic
The National - Castle Rock Session
Okkervil River - Sleep and Wake-Up Songs
Shearwater - The Golden Archipelago
Radiohead - OK Computer
Sleigh Bells - Treats
Toro y Moi - My Touch
Washed Out - Life of Leisure
Broken Social Scene - S/T
Do Make Say Think - You, You're a History in Rust
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun
Various Artists - Warp20 (Chosen)
The National - High Violet

It was a good day for music.
Here you are. :wink:

Very nice. I think I'm going to have to research Moondog Jr. to make sure you didn't make them and their artwork up on the fly... :wink:

FWIW, these were the Moondogs I knew growing up, circa 4th grade. :reject:

They were bad-guy rasslers out of Memphis and eventually rose to a more national level, I think. One of them (I think it was the one on the right) had a son who was in my school system growing up. I was intimidated to approach him, but we called him Moondog Jr. behind his back. :D
Moondog Jr stil exists but is now called Zita Swoon.. They are a Belgian band, but had to change their name because there was already an artist in the States who called himself Moondog.Only their first album was released under the name Moondog jr. check them out, they're quite good. Their leadsinger was once the bassist in dEUS ( Our Belgian pride when it comes to rock bands)
Moondog Jr stil exists but is now called Zita Swoon.. They are a Belgian band, but had to change their name because there was already an artist in the States who called himself Moondog.Only their first album was released under the name Moondog jr. check them out, they're quite good. Their leadsinger was once the bassist in dEUS ( Our Belgian pride when it comes to rock bands)

Gotcha. I'll have to check 'em out.

Surfer Blood - Astro Coast
Moondog Jr stil exists but is now called Zita Swoon.. They are a Belgian band, but had to change their name because there was already an artist in the States who called himself Moondog.Only their first album was released under the name Moondog jr. check them out, they're quite good. Their leadsinger was once the bassist in dEUS ( Our Belgian pride when it comes to rock bands)

Indeed. Their music (both Moondog Jr. and dEUS) is slightly freak-out art-rock, with Moondog Jr. being a bit more acoustic. Though I only got the Moondog Jr. yesterday, I've known them for quite a while (having seen some Zita Swoon concerts and even one when they were still called Moondog Jr. in 1995!). The original album is a bit harder to find nowadays, as it's out of print. Though a reissue (also featuring the name Zita Swoon) has come out a while ago.

Coincidentally, I just finished listening to:
dEUS - The Ideal Crash
Feist - Let It Die
Jeff Buckley - Grace
Ravi Shankar - Three Ragas
Shearwater - Rook
The Morning Benders - Big Echo
The Gaslight Anthem - American Slang
Animal Collective - Fall Be Kind
Green Day - Dookie
Broken Social Scene - 'Forgiveness Rock Record'
U2 - 'No Line on the Horizon'
Four Tet - 'Rounds'
Four Tet - 'Rounds'

:up: That's been my go-to night/sleep music for the past few weeks.

Fang Island - S/T
Memory Tapes - Seek Magic
Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
Washed Out - Life of Leisure
Beach House - Teen Dream
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