Want to Start A Seattle U2 Tribute Band

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


The Fly
Mar 28, 2005
Seattle, WA
Hey guys, what's up? I'm trying to start a u2 tribute band in seattle, since right now they're practically nonexistent. A little about me: 16, female, plays guitar. I would love to play live shows, but not quite up to that level yet, but would certainly love to get there. I need a bassist, drummer, and singer...could be girl or guy, doesn't matter. Please reply!

Oh, and for those of you not in the Seattle area, what songs should be our top priority to learn to play?

I live on Camano Island Wa. just a little north of ya....
I Will Follow is a good starting point. It sounds great live, IMO, and its really stright forward, not to tricky....
oh, and if you'd like to chat online, because its so much faster than email, my sn is blackhawklp5. Keep the replies comin guys!

hey, I'm from monroe. I can't play any instruments you need, but if you ever need a keyboard player or background singer or something like that I can help out :) I would also love to hear you guys play live if you ever do. I'm 17 years old, female.
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