Waiting For The Spring Thaw in Randooomdadoooom. Can I get a Amen?

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Baking soda is my magic trick for everything. I had to make green cookie dough last year so we could make like 1000 cactus cookies for a party. I had to use an entire bottle of green food color and the size bottle is probably 20 oz if not bigger. I had to get my hands, arms, into the 80 quart mixing bowl in order to get the dough out. Needless to say I was covered in green. I think I used an entire box of baking soda to clean my hands. I was still a little green but it worked on my hands and the woodtop table. I've never tried to use it with a non edible product like ink though.

Another baking soda tip: the best kitchen cleanser you can make at home is water, baking soda, and lemon juice. We used to make that mix at the resort and clean out the cooler floors. Worked great and the lemon juice made the place smell wonderful.
So you were a leprechaun and I was a smurf.
Will try the kitchen cleanser version :up:
Oh wow, the humor on Twitter about Shayne Graham is dark.

Mason better be on his game tomorrow if the Packers need field goals. I fear dark humor in his future if he isn't.................
Tonight it is all about New Glarus Belgian Red Ale. Cherry :drool: WM was setting up their Valentine display and they had this and the New Glarus Tart Raspberrry Ale. That one is supposed to be excellent w/ chocolate.

This is very cherry and very fizzy and tart.

That sounds really yummy!

Went to see the movie "Leap Year" today. I liked it, and I really liked seeing the Irish scenery. When I win the lottery, I'm going back.
It's frigid outside :sad:
I may never warm up.
I want my dream back.

Off to listen to the Bruce Brunch :love:
Tom Cunningham is playing Fire, I am warm again :shifty:

Trust me when I say this video is, well :combust:
I love watching Nils and Danny's expressions. Watching Bruce's expressions? Well that goes w/out saying

Now Bruce is doing Heartbreak Hotel in a tribute to Elvis.
Forgotten how jazzed everyone gets at playoff time :hyper:
I am now sporting Mr. Rodgers jersey :yes:

Would like to stop sneezing, tho.
That sounds really yummy!

Went to see the movie "Leap Year" today. I liked it, and I really liked seeing the Irish scenery. When I win the lottery, I'm going back.

I'm going to a movie tonight. Probably Sherlock Holmes. I know it hasn't gotten the best reviews but I :heart: Sherlock! I'd rather see Leap Year though but I don't think I'll be able to talk my friend into it. Anything made in Ireland is something I want to see! :yes:
laaaaaaaazy Sunday :heart: I just woke up not too long ago. Well actually my mom woke me up in the middle of the night (probably like 8!) to watch something about the founder of Williams Sonoma. Pretty cool. Then little Lily and I went back to sleep for a few hours.

Now I'm going to take a long walk on the treadmill, then make a gigantic omelet, go to Super Target, stop by and say hello to my Papa, and go to dinner and a movie. Sounds like a perfect day to me....even though it's a million below zero out. Then I have tomorrow off too :heart: Unfortunately my dinner and movie plans will probably prevent me from seeing the last part of the Packer game. But that's ok because the Vikings are playing the team I wanted for next week so it's all good.
ok well after walking and brunch I'm not so sure I'm in the mood the leave the house until later....I didn't walk as long as planned but at least I walked.
Robert Downey Jr. :up:

Did you ever see Young Sherlock Holmes? I can remember seeing that a few times in the theater w/ friends. I see it is on You tube in parts. I may try to watch it again and see if it is still enjoyable :)

Have a good time this afternoon.
never watched that but I used to rent some of the super old ones with Basil Rathbone :drool: :heart: I also took a few mystery lit classes in college. I went to two different schools so I was able to take an additional mystery class because my first one was "english" mysteries. That one rocked because we could only read books set in England or written by someone in England. I wrote my final paper for that class on a bunch of Sherlock stories. We also watched a short story once a week in class so yet again...saw a few Basil Rathbone stories.

From the middle of the field, he drilled it.
2 minutes ago from TweetDeck
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Crosby just missed a 47 yard field goal, badly, from the right hash....wide right. Went into the crowd....it was that bad.
:crack: reports from AZ :crack:

Dear QB that I think so highly of,
Please don't force anything like a certain former QB for GB used to do.
Throw it away
Thank you,
The state of WI
This is what I have feared.
The Packers played the first string last week longer; AZ not so much.

We got cocky.

Truth hurts
Didn't I just see a game like this earlier today? :huh:

Exactly what I was thinking and some others;


I think I've seen this game already--it was called Baltimore and New England and it's the Packers playing the role of the Pats
One of the local guys I follow in Twitter^
:) I'll refrain from cheering too much right now out of respect for my fellow randooomer that follows a certain team that is doing exactly what I hoped they would be doing right now.....
so far, until this game is over, every team that I predicted would win this weekend has....so far. Hope I can go 4 for 4. :ohmy: 4! :der: :reject: Don't worry....win or lose next Sunday I will be in absolute hell until my game is over. I'm not sure if I will be able to watch it without a blanket to hide behind.
so far, until this game is over, every team that I predicted would win this weekend has....so far. Hope I can go 4 for 4. :ohmy: 4! :der: :reject: Don't worry....win or lose next Sunday I will be in absolute hell until my game is over. I'm not sure if I will be able to watch it without a blanket to hide behind.

I notice a certain #4 popping up here :)

Yay! The Pack just did something right :up:
I think Mason Crosby is trying to take over Brett Favre's spot as the most hated man in Green Bay....:yikes:
If he has dogs, I hope he doesn't let them go outside (long repulsive story regarding previous coaches dogs ~ just trust me)
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