Until The End Of The World vs. Stay

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pwmartin said:
I'm voting for Stay. That doesn't detract from UTEOTW, because it has an awesome story and a razor-sharp guitar sound, but Stay is brilliant.

Has anyone seen any of Wim Wenders' films?

Yah, point. See, here's the thing, when I think of Stay visually, I see the video, which *might* make me like it more, because I was already a "Wings of Desire" fan BEFORE the Stay video and before UTEOTW (movie). The idea of "the bang and the clatter as an angel runs to ground" is AWESOME to me. There has been no greater ending for a song. Ever. (Though "how can I hurt when I'm holding you?" makes a close second)

Still, UTEOTW is amazing and I think of it and know it altogether separately from the movie, even though the movie is on my all-time top 10 list. Weird.

As long as we're debating Wim Wenders-related songs, can I just throw in the fact that "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" from MDH is also hauntingly brilliant. I had recorded some on my voice mail from the San Jose Elevation show, but focking deleted it on accident - one of my biggest mistakes EVER. They should do that song more often.

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