U2 - The 5th Best Album

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 12, 2002
Various polls on Interference throughout the years, including one that I've just conducted (Albums You Meet In U2 Heaven), have nearly always determined that U2's triumvirate of masterpiece albums seems to be Achtung Baby, Joshua Tree & The Unforgettable Fire.

Via a new polling system, we have also determined that No Line On The Horizon is the band's fourth best album.

Now, let's determine the correct ranking for the rest of the band's catalog. Officially.

Simply post the next three greatest studio albums that you feel U2 has delivered, in order of quality. The album that attains 50% of the ranked-choice voting will be declared the band's fifth greatest album.

(For those that don't know, ranked-choice voting is where we'll count all of the first place votes to begin with. If no album exceeded fifty percent of the first place votes, then we eliminate the lowest vote getting album for first place and count those user's second place votes and so-forth. Eventually, one album will have to be the remaining #1 pick for a majority of voters.)

Passengers is eligible along with the other eight (Boy through How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb).
Woooooow....not much else to say.

All That You Can't Leave Behind

If two 00s U2 albums end up in U2 Heaven, I'll have to say that U2 Hell would be preferable.
I'm there.

I think this is an ass backwards way to do this though. Why isn't Zooropa an automatic lock on 5th?

Because we're trying to get a majority vote on each album selection, rather than a simple plurality. A lot of people voted for No Line On The Horizon as their first choice in the last round, so their second and third choices never held any sway. That's more than enough voters to tip things in a different direction. For example, Pop is currently ahead of Zooropa by a healthy margin.
So far...

Pop - 15
Zooropa - 12
War - 12

I'm honestly surprised Pop wasn't 3rd or 4th overall.
So far...

Pop - 15
Zooropa - 12
War - 12

I'm honestly surprised Pop wasn't 3rd or 4th overall.

Those aren't the actual standings, considering this is ranked choice voting. As of now, War could possibly be one of the last two standing, against Pop, but I imagine this will be a showdown of Pop vs. Zooropa.
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