U2 Sucks

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jul 18, 2006
/not a message from me

Im on a different forum site, a picture rate me one called Buddypic.com. Anywho, my sn on there is MrVertigo, and over the last 3 years i've earned myself quite an ugly reputation.. if thats the correct word. Theres quite a select few of dummies on there that constantly harrass me for liking U2. "U2 sucks" "Bono's Gay" "who the hell would like that gay band?" "you're gay with Bono" etc.
Its extremely annoying.
Anywho, its basically the reason why im here. I signed up some time ago, but never really used it yet.
waynetravis said:
Zoots and Zoomerang wanna punch Bono.

They should join that site you've come from :hmm:

this sort of reporting could land you a job with the SUN dailies in canada or the uk though, so good on you.
ZooStation_Fly said:
/not a message from me

Im on a different forum site, a picture rate me one called Buddypic.com. Anywho, my sn on there is MrVertigo, and over the last 3 years i've earned myself quite an ugly reputation.. if thats the correct word. Theres quite a select few of dummies on there that constantly harrass me for liking U2. "U2 sucks" "Bono's Gay" "who the hell would like that gay band?" "you're gay with Bono" etc.
Its extremely annoying.
Anywho, its basically the reason why im here. I signed up some time ago, but never really used it yet.

U2 sucks.
That's right! U2 DOES suck. Don't buy their albums. Don't wear their concert T's & hoodies. Don't even THINK of going to their lame concerts. :grumpy:

(psst! all you other fans keep repeating that with me - then, when the dumbass haters turn their attention to Fall Out Boy or whatever passes for talent with them, WE'LL have no problem getting concert tickets, etc. brilliant!!! :wink: )
Re: Re: Re: U2 Sucks

Zootlesque said:

:huh: I never said I wanted to punch Bono.

zoot, nevermind the context - hell, nevermind the facts. he's got a good story to tell!

we want to punch bono in the face!

like i said... this sort of writing lands people prestigious positions at such lauded writing academies like the SUN.
coolian2 said:
*=In all seriousness, how long has it been since anyone actually used the word 'boner'?

Band. We always use it to refer to trombones. And the bass trombone is the Big Boner. But everyone's maturity level drops in band.

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