U2: One For All And All For One

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Forum Moderator, The Goal Is Soul
Nov 14, 2000
Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast, and Berlin
"Without any one of us the fragile uniqueness and special quality of U2 would be gone forever."-- Adam

I had never read this quote before, but I was intrigued by the magnitude and resolve by which Adam speaks, and for the other three individuals of U2 as well. What I really feel when I read this is hard to swallow. It's like taking something I know is good for me, or necessary, but just unable to let it make its way down the throat of reasoning.

I look at other great bands like the Rolling Stones, or The Who, and wondered if they ever spoke, or thought along the same lines as Adam, but then when it came down to their actual loss of a band member, they reconsidered, because in both instance, they didn't appear to lose what we might consider main players within the band, mainly the singer/songwriter, or guitar/main musical songwriter.

Does it appear that Adam is speaking that without one of them, the uniqueness would be gone forever, and would soon not exist without the four intact, or does he appear to be saying that U2 could exist without one of them, but it would not be the same, that they could possibly go on, but with that special spark missing, or could it possibly be that just through the fact of their years together, that U2 as the original four could, and would not continue, unlike the The Who and Rolling Stones who appeared to have irreplaceable members leave, but because of the shortness of time of these members being in the group in contrast to U2, these bands found the desire to continue, even without what appeared to be main players, even if they were not a part of the lyrical or musical catalyst?

I read what Adam says as without one of the original, whichever member, U2 would choose not to continue on, but would be just as solidified in their decision to not go on as they are solidified to continue U2 even now. I can't help but be proud for Adam for saying this, for I believe that when one of U2 speaks, they speak for all, and that is what makes U2 so unique from every other band I've ever known in their resolve and respect that each band member holds toward each other.


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