U2 360° Tour Summer 2011 Photos

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Definitely! :sexywink:

I'm trying to go through my photos, and unpack, do laundry, catch up on the interwebz, and deal with getting back to real life here all at once and not doing a very productive job of it! :lol: Just pulled my Moncton boots from my suitcase which were wrapped in my poncho and they're still wet!

real life does not count when there's Edge pictures involved!!!!!


I've waited this long....I can wait a bit longer :)
A few of my pics from New York. Lots more later :)











Wow, bonocomet, these pictures are amazing :ohmy:

I like the ones that really capture the magic of the moment, the imotion, the facial expressions and body language of and between the band members. Great shots :up:
Love these Comet!Thank you! That was funny,first Bono ran off to change and left Edge to introduce the Stay and then came back messing around with his iem transmitter thingy and I have a feeling that Edge messed up on purpose,to buy Bono some time to get ready.
Aw I'm glad you all like them! I was feeling kind of :reject: about them because their kinda blurry and all. Compared to my kids pics which are :drool: and she better upload soon for us. :madwife: (I posted a sample earlier remember? :shifty: )

Anyway Gg as loner said... that was the night Bono had heat exhaustion :sad: and had a hard time with the heat and even getting through some songs. I have more pics I'll post tomorrow, once when in the middle of a song he just sorta stopped and hung on the mic a while. The clothes changing moment was when he was introducing Stay and he just turned and told Edge to finish because he had to go. He left and changed shirts while Edge talked to us. When he came back he was still buttoning up and stuff, and there's the one pic I got where he turned his back and you see Edge laughing. :sexywink:
I have a lot more pics I'll post soon. Damn real life getting in the way :angry:
Ah thanks for the info. Sucks that he was suffering through so much. I dig the shirt though. :up: What did Edge say? :D

I don't remember :reject: I was a little worried about Bono the way he just stopped his usual speech and said he had to go and just walked off, because we had seen that he was struggling with the heat. Edge looked surprised too. He finished introducing the song, but then he started playing the wrong song! I think he was a bit distracted by Bono's condition too.
:giggle: Why were they booing in the beginning?

Interesting to see how close Edge goes, it must've been quite clear to him that Bono wasn't doing well.
Aww Edge's smile! :love: I really wonder why he used Bono's mic though, rather than his own. Was Edge playing Stuck there? :lol:
So Bono just got back there with his shirt open? I'm surprised we haven't seen pics of that yet!

Thanks for linking the vid. :)
Not booing, saying BRUUUUUUUUUCE! :wink: Bono said something about not getting to hear that sound often I think, so he wanted to hear it again and told the audience to do it again. :lol:
I don't remember :reject: I was a little worried about Bono the way he just stopped his usual speech and said he had to go and just walked off, because we had seen that he was struggling with the heat. Edge looked surprised too. He finished introducing the song, but then he started playing the wrong song! I think he was a bit distracted by Bono's condition too.

True! He started playing IALW, but quickly said -"oh, sorry- wrong song!" as he changed chords.

When he walked up to the mic he said they started this song in Berlin, but took it back to Dublin to finish it. It's working title was "Sinatra" and he's not sure why, then he says it's Stay, "we're almost there" and has to repeat the into twice while B finishes buttoning.

THat's all
BC! did you happen to get any shots of Larry right after this walking one?? blurry or not- he would have been in front of me then! Thanks!
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