Type The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head 11-21-16

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Supposedly, Senator Orin Hatch is receiving security briefings. If the entire White House and Paul Ryan or brought down by the Russian involvement in the election., Hatch is in line to be president.
Our electricity went out this morning about half an hour before the alarm was due to go off. The silence woke me up, since our window air conditioner and sound machine were off. Fortunately, it came back on about an hour before we had to leave for our doctor appointments, so I had time to wash and dry my hair, and chug down a cup of coffee. :D
The Edge did "magic mushrooms" ??? And then he decides to go to sleep? I find this hard to believe. I would have the desire to hear some Grateful Dead and/or The Allman Brothers Band, in between puking of course. :lol:
I think flowers would be nice.

Thanks Carek for your input. I am thinking about roses's

These last 3 weeks has been so stress free, at work because of a certain co-worker who has taken off. I dread next week when she returns. She can be mean & nasty. I am not the only one who feels the same way. I will just focus on the the rest of this week of being in a pleasant environment at work. :up:
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