Type The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head 11-21-16

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Why, oh why is 45 and administration getting away with screwing our country?

Exactly! I can't believe that people are still falling for his shite. I think my nephew is right when he says that the hard-core supporters (sadly, one of my sisters is one of those!) won't change their opinion until he does something that affects them personally! :angry:
After my big fasting blood draw today for several tests for my upcoming appointment with my doctor, I went to Burger King and had a Whopper Junior and french fries! Yum!
They better not charge me, for this, for this is why I moved here. And if anything that get broken they are the ones that fixes things at no charge . I am paying enough in my rent here.
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