Things I Hate, Spring Edition

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
What is it with this society and having to go on and on and on like a fucking bulldozer?

I only just passed the exam 2 weeks ago, I won't get my actual degree until December 19, but my mom already keeps nagging that I have to search for jobs, get enrolled in the unemployment agency(wtf? I've had a job since the day I was 15, part time, but it's a job!), and all that kind of bullshit. Well I beg your pardon, I've been working my fcuking ass off for FIVE years to get this stupid degree, of which the last two years were especially painful, and I've had a lot of shit in the meantime come on my path. Is it too much to ask that I just want some fucking rest until I have the actual piece of paper? :|
I hate when people think I am much younger than I am. I'm 30 but I've been told I look 21 the most. I just had a total stranger walk up to me at Panera to ask about my laptop and when she asked my age, she wouldn't believe me. She even went to her friends to say, "Can you believe she's 30?" Ugh, how intrusive.

Yeah, I've been told for long time that I look much younger but this is annoying. Maybe its because of how I present myself or something, or even my round cheeks. But it sucks so bad.
People tell me I should be flattered that I'm mistaken for being so young, but I'm not. If I were told I look 25, then I'll be delighted, but 20? Really, I look like a kid? It makes me wonder if I present or carry myself wrong.
People tell me I should be flattered that I'm mistaken for being so young, but I'm not. If I were told I look 25, then I'll be delighted, but 20? Really, I look like a kid? It makes me wonder if I present or carry myself wrong.
i totally hear you. i'm 29 and people tell me i look like i'm about 19. it's not just because i'm in college (although it is kinda nice to be able to blend in there i guess and not look like the old person in class) because even when i'm out anywhere else people still think i'm way younger than i am. i try to take it as a compliment that i have a youthful appearance but it does suck to always get carded when i go to bars (i don't drink but they're still 21+ here regardless).

i'm sure it's not anything you're doing or anything and just how you look. not saying that as in "well if you did this/didn't do this" or anything, but just probably that you're like me and people will always think you're younger than you are. (though it's funny, when i was 14 people thought i was will i just always look that age or something?) the one good thing will be when you're 40 you'll probably look 30, but it's so shitty when people are downright rude about you looking younger. why would someone lie about their age? if they're 19 pretending to be 21 sure, or a girl lying to a guy about their age if he's older okay, but to a complete stranger...why? it's so pointless. about as pointless as a stranger getting all offended by you being older than the age they thought you "should" be. :rolleyes:
Thanks Khanada! Its true that there's a chance I'll look younger when I'm older. But until then, I'd appreciate it if people minded their own business :)
Pearl said:
I hate when people think I am much younger than I am. I'm 30 but I've been told I look 21 the most. I just had a total stranger walk up to me at Panera to ask about my laptop and when she asked my age, she wouldn't believe me. She even went to her friends to say, "Can you believe she's 30?" Ugh, how intrusive.

What the hell is wrong with some people? What does your age have to do with your laptop?

This past summer I went to a baseball game and got in early- the college age guy there asked me if I was there for college night. I felt like kissing him :wink: . But if a total stranger asked me my age I'd want to punch them. I don't even want people I know to ask That's when you know you're old, when you don't want to tell.

I'd just chalk it up to people having no boundaries, and just hope that you get the same comments when you're 40. You'll definitely want to then. I feel like I'm so much better in many ways then when I was younger, I just wish I looked the same.
What the hell is wrong with some people? What does your age have to do with your laptop?

She thought I was some college kid doing my school work. But if she thought I was a college age kid, then why ask my age? I guess she somehow knew I wasn't really that young.
A thing that I hate is the fact that I have a somewhat overqualified teacher that is way too good at what she does to teach it to anyone else, thus thinking we know every little detail of what she is 'teaching' when in truth we really have no fucking idea of what she expects. It's coming down to the wire and I'm freaking out. HELP!
Our Aunt Ruth Everette Anderson Barrett joined our ancestors tonight. She had cancer, which had spread to her bones and organs, and had even eaten through her right femur near the joint. She had been in incredible pain since Sunday, and in the hospital and heavily sedated so she would sleep without pain. She was the last of the Anderson siblings--our mother Alma Virginia Anderson Barrett left us 11 years ago; and their brothers (James David, Harry Philmore, Willard Oliver, Samuel Jeter, and Howard Irvine) have also passed. They were brought up in a beautiful area of rural central Virginia during the depression, where their family raised chickens, hogs, and cattle, and grew a lot of their own food. They often said that "they didn't know they were poor." And they went to school with Earl Hamner (the writer whose stories became "The Waltons") and his brothers and sisters. Ruth was the picture of a genteel Southern lady, but she also had her fun side. And she was one of the most feisty, stubborn women I've ever know--I like that in a lady! Her daughter Sharon, her companion Wayne, her two sons (Justin and Brandon), all of our Anderson cousins, my siblings and our offspring, and MrPurrl and I will miss her. R.I.P., Miss Ruthie. ♥
Our Aunt Ruth Everette Anderson Barrett joined our ancestors tonight. She had cancer, which had spread to her bones and organs, and had even eaten through her right femur near the joint. She had been in incredible pain since Sunday, and in the hospital and heavily sedated so she would sleep without pain. She was the last of the Anderson siblings--our mother Alma Virginia Anderson Barrett left us 11 years ago; and their brothers (James David, Harry Philmore, Willard Oliver, Samuel Jeter, and Howard Irvine) have also passed. They were brought up in a beautiful area of rural central Virginia during the depression, where their family raised chickens, hogs, and cattle, and grew a lot of their own food. They often said that "they didn't know they were poor." And they went to school with Earl Hamner (the writer whose stories became "The Waltons") and his brothers and sisters. Ruth was the picture of a genteel Southern lady, but she also had her fun side. And she was one of the most feisty, stubborn women I've ever know--I like that in a lady! Her daughter Sharon, her companion Wayne, her two sons (Justin and Brandon), all of our Anderson cousins, my siblings and our offspring, and MrPurrl and I will miss her. R.I.P., Miss Ruthie. ♥

I am so,so,so sorry to here that!:hug:Hope you feel better today.You must always remember that even though you can't see her she will always be with you in your heart!!!
It's almost 3 am and I've been trying to sleep for three hours to no avail. I need to be up in an hour and a half to run a half marathon in downtown Orlando, and I can't get a minutes worth of sleep. I can feel my heart beating on every beat its so annoying in nervous!
Don't you hate it when you buy a lot of items from a store, and you get a coupon from that same store the next day? :slant:

Yesterday I bought some books for my nephews at Barnes & Noble.

Today I got a whole bunch of coupons from there in the mail. :|
Don't you hate it when you buy a lot of items from a store, and you get a coupon from that same store the next day? :slant:

Yesterday I bought some books for my nephews at Barnes & Noble.

Today I got a whole bunch of coupons from there in the mail. :|

Most places will let you redeem them!
I'm not sure about B & N in specific, but usually stores that send coupons in the mail like Bed Bath & Beyond and the sort will always left you just claim the coupons if the purchase was recent because otherwise people would just return the items and buy it back with the coupon.
Just got back from B&N and yep, I got my coupons redeemed!
sigh, how some assholes turn shit around so easily. :|

I spewed my gut telling him the truth, that whatever we do, it's NEVER good enough. That he keeps shouting at my mom and me to show initiative, to start things instead of asking. But whenever we do, we get bitching and complaints and it's not ever good. Nothing positive. So we stopped doing that and now we get shit for not doing anything. We can never win.

And of course it's our fault. Not his. Fucking narcissist.

This asshole will never change. Ugh, I truly do not see how people can claim you just have to accept your family like this. I doubt I'll ever see him as a father again. This guy isn't my dad, he's a completely insane asshole.

I truly just wish he'd die from some heart attack caused by his constant ranting. It'd be the easiest solution for our problems, that's for sure. :|
I hear you, Galeongirl. Sometimes the whole "respect your parents because they raised you" and "blood is thicker than water" is total bullshit. I never understood it and likely never will. :hug:
Lol yeah, and just now at dinner he was talking about how it irks him when people call their parents by their own name. How you can only have 1 mom and 1 dad and how that's sacred. :rolleyes: Yeah, uh, douchebag, that's not true. You can have 1 biological pair of parents, but that doesn't make them parents in the true sense of the word. Since you're pretty much not a dad to me. Once I'm moved out you're dead to me.
I hate being sick right now,
The freakin' cold weather outside,
Game requests on Facebook, take your farmville, sims city, lucky slots and holland casino shit and put 'em where the sun don't shine.
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