Things I hate part 360

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Thread resurrection. THREE+ YEAR OLD thread resurrection, especially. :huh:
yessssss. consider me the minority but after like a year, i think if you have something to add, just make a new thread rather than a m-m-m-megabump. i tend to find in those threads, people will quote one of the first few replies and it always inevitably ends up being some person who hasn't posted here in two years.

And usually when a thread is bumped it's a completely useless post too! :lol: Just... why bother bumping a thread just to say you agree with something, or that you don't agree or just adding something trivial. Do people really like the sound of their own voice/like the view of their own posts that much?

Then again. I have shitloads of posts. But at least I'm posting in active threads. Not ones that have been dead for 2+years.
I hate that my boyfriend barely ever hangs out with me. We don't have any classes in scholl and when we're together it's usually with a bunch of his friends whom he pays more attention too. :sigh: It's obvious he still likes me though... why is he ignoring me?
You are NOT forgotten by me. I don't know if you miss me but I miss you back. And I'm sorry you are feeling insecure. I know the feeling and it is loads of 'Not Fun'.

:hug: :heart: :hug:
:heart: :hug: :heart:
:hug: :heart: :hug:

I don't know what I have done to deserve a friend as wonderful and supportive as you, but I am more thankful than you know. :hug:
Oh. I also hate when I am able to maintain a good mood for the entire day, something that doesn't often happen, and then I go see my friend and she's in a pretty bad mood, which just kills my high spirits. :p

I hate telling my friends just the happy great stuff so they don't get all down when they're on the other side of the continent...
yessssss. consider me the minority but after like a year, i think if you have something to add, just make a new thread rather than a m-m-m-megabump. i tend to find in those threads, people will quote one of the first few replies and it always inevitably ends up being some person who hasn't posted here in two years.


I hate waking up so early because of this time change thing. I have that really strong body clock, and it's so tough to get that all realigned. I also hate feeling exhausted at 10 PM. Not to mention that it's dark at 4:30, that sucks too.
That if I had money I could be going to a bunch of awesome concerts...

(also, if I could drive/ my friends could drive/ etc. None of which are happening)
You will do fine because you are well prepared.:hug: Kick some LSAT ass!:up:
I hate that I was doing so well, getting over him a bit...but the randiness got the better of us :combust: :reject:

I made him decide, I'm too good to be behind closed doors. Either it's on or off...of course it's off. It's for the best but still sucks. :reject:

Friend zone :sad: :down:
I miss my friends. Not hate, but you get the idea.

And your friends miss you and hate that you live far away.

I hate this horrible headache that keeps coming back.

I hate a sad situation that keeps reoccuring...


I hate that I will probably miss out on the Radiohead pre-sale and hence tix.

But the optimist says... it will be better...
I've had an absolutely horrible, awful day. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

And I still have two more days of exams left.

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