Things I hate part 360

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Blue, stop complaining about plot. You've got it down, lady.

Sweet potatoes and marshmallows are my favorite Thanksgiving food :drool: (maybe because my favorite food when I was little was sweet potato, already...:giggle:)
^ Long word! ^^
Ha! It is a little funny that the use of the word "bloviate" is, in and of itself, also bloviating :p

I actually do the opposite, I try to avoid those situations...I hate trying to pass myself off as more important than I am, or bare myself to attack, so to speak, so to me it's better to just not have to deal with any of that...
Well, I do temper myself, too - if I'm talking w/ someone whom I find not terribly knowledgeable in a particular field, I will go out of my way to avoid certain references... it's a very thin line I tend to tread :crack:

sweet potatoes (which I adore) and marshmallows (of which I am also fond) do not belong in the same sentence together, let alone on the same plate . . . ever :no:

what is this madness? :scream:
Hello there, friend :wink:


then again you're not really a sweet tooth.
Yeah, I got quite a few strange looks when I mentioned that today at work :shifty: We were talking about who's bringing what to our Thanksgiving @ work outting (I'm making jalapeno poppers, btw :D), and yeah... if their jaw could make the :shocked:-face, it would have.
Having to face things you ran away from a long time ago.

AKA Computer programming classes that I swore I would never get anywhere near.

I guess I'm either manning up and facing my fears... or being foolish. Time will tell.
Being so sick that I'd like to move into bed for the next week, but there is so much to do..........:crack:
Kristen got to see Bitch Amy in full effect this summer!:shifty::shifty:

Thanks everyone. It is what it is, but you are all such amazing friends, and I know I am blessed in that department.:hug:

I hate that Carey Price is growing a 'stache. For the love of God, WHY??????????????????????????:sad:

(this is a hockey reference, so K will get it!:sexywink:)

Bitch Amy rocks!! :rockon: "Just keep moving....Just keep walking....Uh there's no way you're staying there....Security!!"

:lol: @ Price's stache.

Being so sick that I'd like to move into bed for the next week, but there is so much to do..........:crack:


I hate that I applied for a job that I'd be perfect for but didn't even get a call back. :| I guess I'll tell myself it's their loss....just like I do with the boy who don't fancy me.

need chocolate to lift spirit

:sigh: I hate that I still haven't a clue where the fuck my two boxsets are. They just disappeared off the earth as soon as they were sent, 10 days ago. Still can't track them.
I just hope it will ever arrive and not be lost. I mean, if it were the regular boxsets I wouldn't care as much. But if these get lost I'll never get the lithographs in them. And it's not just my own copy that's lost. It's both. How the fuck does one lose two HUGE heavy boxsets?
The guy from Universal said he'd email me as soon as he heard back from parcelforce... that was wednesday, a week after they'd supposedly been shipped. :sigh: Not heard a word since.
I'm so sorry GG. I know how much you were looking forward to getting them!:hug::hug::hug:
I just hope it will ever arrive and not be lost. I mean, if it were the regular boxsets I wouldn't care as much. But if these get lost I'll never get the lithographs in them. And it's not just my own copy that's lost. It's both. How the fuck does one lose two HUGE heavy boxsets?
The guy from Universal said he'd email me as soon as he heard back from parcelforce... that was wednesday, a week after they'd supposedly been shipped. :sigh: Not heard a word since.

Wow...that really stinks! Have you tried asking for a manager? They should just send you a replacement order...then maybe you'll end up with a whole bunch of uber's!
I'm not sure if that would matter much. As the Uber has been sold out for months. So there's nothign to replace it with. :sigh: Especially not the limited edition Lithograph I was supposed to get!
The guy from Universal helpdesk was pretty helpful. If I have no response by monday I'll email him again asking for news. I don't want to bother too much as he said he'd reply as soon as he gets a response from parcelforce, but it's been three days since and I haven't heard a thing. How can it be impossible to track these things? :doh: I just don't get it.
good luck gg :)

i hate customer service reps who dick you around. just give me what i asked, don't give me some obvious form letter that didn't even address my query! i quite enjoyed ripping that guy a new one though when i got a survey asking how my experience was.
Feeling forgotten. :sigh:

Being so sick I can barely move.

Having a million things to do and no energy to do them.

Missing someone who doesn't miss you back.

Theres many things I hate lol I'll list the 5 ones that annoy me most

1. People jumping on bandwagons just because something is "popular" or "in-trend" just to be socially accepted among there friends who like the same thing

2. Religious Bigots, nothing annoy's me more than having some over preachy Christian who thinks there better than me telling me how I should live my life just because they believe in God doesn't make them become one!.

3. MTV. It's gone straight to hell now and just stayed there the M should be completely removed from it.

4. People who constnalty listen to the same Music over and over and do nothing to branch out and discover new styles

5. Getting woken up by Roadworks outside my House :lol:
Feeling forgotten. :sigh:

Being so sick I can barely move.

Having a million things to do and no energy to do them.

Missing someone who doesn't miss you back.


Amy: :hug: I can completely emphasize with you, and I hope you feel better soon. You have all kinds of good things to look forward to!
Having spent a week on Sanibel Island, Florida, and at Disney World with my brother, his wife, and my son, and getting together with my sister, her hubby, and her daughter (they live and work in the Disney area), I really miss being with them. Thanks goodness for e-mail and Facebook!
I just hope it will ever arrive and not be lost. I mean, if it were the regular boxsets I wouldn't care as much. But if these get lost I'll never get the lithographs in them. And it's not just my own copy that's lost. It's both. How the fuck does one lose two HUGE heavy boxsets?
The guy from Universal said he'd email me as soon as he heard back from parcelforce... that was wednesday, a week after they'd supposedly been shipped. :sigh: Not heard a word since.

A few years ago I mailed out a good sized box (approx. 22"L x 14"W x 8"H) going from Ohio to California. I used the USPS Priority Mail service with insurance (it was a one of a kind original painting). It should have gotten to it's destination in 2-3 days.

I sent the package out at the end of finally arrived in February.... :ohmy: :crack:

The recipient didn't contact me to tell me it hadn't arrived until sometime in January and when I checked with the post office where I sent it out there was no record of it except the receipt I had for it from when I mailed it. I asked the addressee to check with her post office to see if it was there and collected the documentation I needed to file an insurance claim on it. Just before I started to fill out the form, I got an email from the recipient telling me the package had arrived. Four+ months late.

I guess it just took the scenic route....
^ i had that happen too. i don't think it took quite that long to get here, but definitely longer than normal. i did finally get here, and despite the box being a little banged up there was no indication as to why it took so long.

it'll get there, gg :)
Wow what the heck? 4 months for a delivery?? :crack: That's mad! Did it get lost or something?

Got an email back from the customer service dude at Universal. He once again emailed Parcelforce to ask where the F my package is, and will respond to me asap. Yeah, uh, you said that last wednesday as well and I hadn't heard from you since! :grumpy:

It's not just that my own boxset is lost. But also one of a very good friend of mine that I was supposed to give her tomorrow. Well fat chance that's gonna happen! :doh:
i hate that despite putting a lot of thought into my nfl picks this week, my results are shithouse. ugh. at least i didn't put any money on these, but it's still lame. though i am pleased with myself that i bet against my team for the other to win even though my team's doing well, winning streak, home game, etc. and even though most people picked them to win, i was right and the other team did. :D

aaaaanyway, i also hate that i have a final tomorrow (well technically today now) and i'm so not prepared for it. i've studied plenty today and it isn't enough. it doesn't help that 25% of the material i need to study wasn't put online.
Feeling forgotten. :sigh:

Being so sick I can barely move.

Having a million things to do and no energy to do them.

Missing someone who doesn't miss you back.


You are NOT forgotten by me. I don't know if you miss me but I miss you back. And I'm sorry you are feeling insecure. I know the feeling and it is loads of 'Not Fun'.

:hug: :heart: :hug:
:heart: :hug: :heart:
:hug: :heart: :hug:
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